MovieChat Forums > Otherworld (1985) Discussion > Complete Season 1 exists

Complete Season 1 exists

I've been a fan of this since watching the original episodes as they aired. I have the eight aired episodes on VHS somewhere. Now comes the interesting tidbit. In 1987, my husband called to find out about the show for me and confirmed that THERE WERE THIRTEEN EPISODES FILMED, but that only eight were released. The rest were in the CBS studio vault.

Remember the opening credit sequence where we see a mntage of scenes from the episodes? Remember the scene from an episode you NEVER SAW? I remember looking for that and waiting for it, and it never aired. This is what prompted my husband to call the studio.

Now the question begs to be asked: Who owns the rights to Otherworld now and how many of the episodes do they have in their control? Does the original studio still have the last five episodes? Does the SciFi channel?

I'm really curious to find out. Time to start doing some research. Anyone know someone at either CBS or SciFi Channel? Write e-mails. Stir the pot. Let's see what we can find out. It would be awesome if we could get the SciFi channel to show all thirteen episodes.

Yay Otherworld fans!

UPDATE: I wrote to Lew Hunter, the producer and he confirmed that there were thirteen episodes. He said: "I thought all 13 were aired. CBS was the network. I am sure that Universal Studios, now NBC Universal owns the negatives and the rights."

Wow! There's a treasure trove of unaired episodes out there, and I for one am determined to see the missing five! I'm going to continue this campaign, and will keep you all informed of my progress.


At least the 8 episodes that are know are online to see at youtube. I remember seeing the series when it originally aired. I was not quite 15 when the series was on TV and I remember bits and pieces of it.


Thank you, scribe1270. I loved this series in the 80's when it originally aired; but the time and day kept changing and I would lose track of it. From these threads I gather I missed some good episodes.

I kept looking for this and found the name in an encyclopedia of TV shows. I read every entry until I got to "O". It was worth it.



Communism was just a red herring.
