MovieChat Forums > MASK (1985) Discussion > Which Vehicles Could Be Made Using Pract...

Which Vehicles Could Be Made Using Practical Effects?

If there was ever a live action movie made, obviously a ton of the vehicles and MASK effects would have to be CGI, but as with something like the Mad Max films, anything that can be done using practical effects, would bolster a film like this.

I think Hurricane could be done for real. There's not really anything fantasy there, it's like an all terrain combat platform, which would only require the body to lift up, and some guns to come up out of the roof. As a '57 Chevy, it wouldn't look outdated either, it was already a vintage classic in the cartoon.

Rhino - Yes
Condor - What do you guys think? Seems possible, almost like a gyrocoptor. At first I was like, no way on any of the flying vehicles, but, I don't know, Condor seems possible to me for some reason.

Jackhammer- Yes
Piranha - Yes

Thunderhawk- No, the physics of that vehicle don't work, pure fantasy, would have to be CGI
