MovieChat Forums > Amazing Stories (1985) Discussion > What's your LEAST favorite episode?

What's your LEAST favorite episode?

Among all the great episodes of this show, there are some really bad ones in my opinion.

So I would like to know what's your least favorite episode?

I recently saw "Hell Toupee" and this one didn't please me at all. It wasn't funny, it wasn't exciting, it wasn't mysterious it was just lame.


Fine Tuning was horrible, not funny not anything.


I used to see these as a kid and have my most memorable (& apparently LEAST memorable as I couldn't remember some episodes til the ending).

I'm up to Season 2 Ep 11 & should finish the entire season next week (I'm doing on average an episode a day) and so far, I have to agree with many here that Secret Cinema is so far the worst! Very cringeworthy and the actress playing Jane was HORRIBLE! What gets me is the PRODUCTION VALUE in that episode was incredible..the way the garage/warehouse converts into a theater...this is before CGI people!! So much $$$ on a $h1tty episode!

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


Miss Stardust was a terrible episode. The alien beauty contestants were pretty lame, and Weird Al was annoying throughout.


Secret cinema and fine tuning are my least favourite, I think they were aiming for funny but really they were just too cheesy. Secret cinema didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, the main character didn't act even reasonably like a human being and I hate the tv addicted alien plotline in 'fine tuning' even more when it was used a second time round in the initially promising 'Explorers'.


Yeah, Hell Toupee sounds like someone got witty at the production meeting and came up with a title, then they had to write a story for it, not the other way around .


Fine Tuning, Mr.Magic, Guilt Trip, Remote Control Man, Santa 85, and Vanessa in the Garden were horrible choices to air 6 weeks in a row. How can anyone be surprised by the ratings? How were those episodes supposed to drum up interest in the series? It's too bad more of the series wasn't like Mummy Daddy and The Amazing Falsworth. The ratings could've been better.





I agree - Hell Toupee was terrible.


My picks for bad episodes: Hell Toupee, Fine Tuning and Secret Cinema.

I also really disliked The Main Attraction. Terrible acting, and it wasn't even good in a campy way.


I'm working my way through the Season 1 DVD set and just finished Fine Tuning, Wow that was a truly cringeworthy episode, I still have a lot of episodes to watch but i'll be very surprised if I came across anything worse than this one so I'm calling it now, worst episode in the series? lol.


It has been a long time but the answer is "Almost all of them".
I would have to go back through them again to give more specifics.
The program was a huge disappointment most of the time.
No plans to spend the time to get that detail any time soon.

Compare "Santa '85" to "Night of the Meek" on the original Twilight Zone to see how a fantasy show's Christmas episode should be done (for writing and acting, the shooting on video tepe (1 of 6 before they were forced back to film) came out terrible). (Skip the inferior remake in the 80's TZ.)


Good Times, Noodle Salad
