Favorite little details

Everyone remembers the big stuff, but there's the little stuff that makes the film work so well:

- David slipping in a Roger Daltrey-esque stammer ("You know what I n-n-n-n-n-n-need") as the band finds their way into "Gimme Some Money" (a song that would have been on the charts when "My Generation" was, after all) during the sound check.

- "This is Cindy's first mustache" as Derek, in the back of the bus, not too seriously bats the giggling groupie's hand away.

- Sticking your finger in your ear to hear yourself sing--really, the whole Elvis Presley's grave sequence ("That sounds reggae" [pronouncing it "rahga"]).

What about you?


Like 5 minutes into the movie, when talking about how the first drummer died.

"The police said it was just one of those cases that are best left unsolved."

I immediately knew I was going to love this movie.


I find it really funny when at the end of the 'Hell Hole' concert, you can hear someone yell 'Do Stonehenge!' This is really funny as you would only notice it if you have already watched the movie.


3 words

"Mime is money"

Didnt even notice that on my first few viewings. OR Billy Crystal saying the line.

I broke down laughing.



One I just noticed tonight that made me laugh: When Artie Fufkin of Polymer Records first meets the band, he introduces himself, 'Artie Fufkin, Polymer Records' to Derek, then again ('Artie Fufkin, Polymer Records') to Nigel, and again ('Artie Fufkin, Polymer Records') to Derek and Nigel's new special friends. Then when he sees the cameraman, he yet AGAIN introduces himself ('Artie Fufkin, Polymer Records') and finally, with this fifth introduction, he gets a subtitle establishing him as 'Artie Fufkin, Polymer Records' just in case we missed it.


One little detail I love is the bands cardboard cutout at the "Smell The Glove" record store promotion.

Their poses crack me up every time, particularly Davids sly smile and punching the air pose meant to depict their champion status, but ultimately looking like he's doing a "wanker" hand sign.


I cracked up just now at the subtitle for Artie..I never really noticed it before even though I've seen it 100 times!



When they have the cold sores at the record release meeting.


The Joe Besser reference with the replacement drummer.

have a nice life!


That's far more than a little detail.... in fact, it's the only remnant of a LONG sub-plot that disappeared.

Watch the five-hour workprint version - to Tap's dismay, they are stuck with a lousy new wave opening act called the Dose, who they immediately warm to when they see the hot blond lead singer. This girl, however, turns out to have herpes (which she insists is just a cold sore), and eventually spreads it to everyone in the band except Mick. In the end, they have a band meeting telling Ian that the Dose isn't working out as their opening act, and unanimously vote them off; except for herpes-free Mick, who can't understand everyone else's issue with them.


Yes so funny, and the way they get worse!


Watching it with the band commentary, everytime a girl comes on "I remember her" or "hes dead".

Also when they are sat in the diner there appears to be shot glasses over the condiments.

The backstage catering includes halved oreos and a potato.

Nigels face at the comment about their audience being young boys kills me.

"No hay banda! There is no band. It is all an illusion..."


The cameos --- well known actors everywhere in bit parts in this movie.

Ian: "Their appeal is becoming more selective"


Artie Fufkin's line "We saturated. We over-saturated!" A bit of an inside joke in the recording biz, of which I'm sure Paul Shafer was very familiar by this point.


When the band meets Duke Fame in the hotel lobby after the discussion, Ian comes up and confirms their nice single room with a King Leisure bed and, oh by the way, the gig has been cancelled: You can see the drummer and keyboardist turn away from the camera because they are laughing.


Ian: "We're, uh, we're canceled"
Nigel: "What, at the hotel?"

How can you be canceled at the hotel, Nigel?


"Des Moines"

E pluribus unum


He didn't say "reggae". He said "raga", as in Indian-styled music.


Opening monologue by Marty he says redefined the word "rock and roll." Cracks me up because that is three words.


I love the fact that all the guys are playing bass guitar on Big Bottom.


hahaha - yeah the all bass thing is too funny.


Pretty much anything with Derek Smalls. He's the third wheel, behind David and Nigel, but he cracks me up.

Love when he's caught in that cocoon thing on stage.


Near the end, Janine is just staring daggers at Nigel. To defeat her, he simply looks away and that's that.
