Blu-Ray Commentary

Who thought it was a good idea to have two guys who wrote for Star Trek: The Next Generation do the audio commentary for the Blu-Ray??? They should have just kept the old Leonard Nimoy commentary from the 2003 DVD on it.


They should have both commentaries on it, there would certainly have been data space for them.

Sounds like the same guys as on the Remastered series of DVDs which I had.


I don't know, I'm of the opinion that if they weren't involved in the production of the film, they really don't have any business doing an audio commentary on it. If they were going to record new commentaries I would rather they got surviving members of the cast and crew.


In regards to Moore, he did a commentary for Generations (Star Trek 7) as he co-wrote it. I highly recommend listening to it as he talks a lot about the early days of the how the project started and the ideas they went through and stuff.

As he has been so involved with sci-fi and Star Trek, I don't mind him being on the commentary for The Search for Spock, but I think they should have retained Nimoy's original commentary also.

His commentary as the writer on the new Battlestar Galactica is also very interesting.
