MovieChat Forums > Red Dawn (1984) Discussion > Most unintentionally hilarious scene?

Most unintentionally hilarious scene?

For me, it was when they were clueless as to what a Flank is.

My life... is like a game of Chess.



My favorites:

- The Russian soldier in the bucket truck who notices one of the kids pointing a gun at him. Rather than going for his weapon or taking cover, he merely points out "sniper!" kind of like how a child would point out "look a blue car!".

- William Smith gets pounced on by Swayze from behind who says "you lose." Well, obviously not as he still manages to spin around and fire a fatal volley anyway.

- "As class president of Calumet High, I vote we surrender". Hahaha, as though his office within his class gives him any authority or jurisdiction at all in the world?

- "Sprechen sie Deutsche?" "Who cares, you don't!" Like what was she hoping to accomplish. It later turns out that the Russian hostage speaks English just fine so expecting him to going to any lengths to communicate are just futile.

- General Bratchenko and the expression on his face right before getting blown up. I love Vladek Sheybal, and in this especially he's such a mustache-twirling villain.

- The history teacher thinking he can reason with a bunch of obvious Russian paratroopers who just landed.

- The Russians finding time in their hostile takeover to shoot up a history class, a muscle car, and to even fire an RPG into a high school for no clear reason other than out of sheer evil.


Those aren't Russians in the beginning. They're the initial Latino invasion force. Cubans, Mexicans and N icaraguans I believe. They all speak Spanish at first. The Russians dont show up till later.


Damn, you people in this thread have pointed out all the most awesome scenes in the movie! People saying the "you can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead hands" bit was unintentionally funny? it's called dark humor/irony, it's kind of the point.

Acting like you some one-man GPS

