Confusing ending...?

I just saw this movie last night and really enjoyed it. The ending really baffled me though. I saw on another thread that Edna is dreaming in the end. Well that means that the scene with Margaret and Wayne reconnecting during the reading of love's virtues is meaningless because she doesn't seem to know anything about their problems in the movie. Plus, why would she dream about her husband's shooter when she (to the watcher's knowledge) didn't even know who he was? And I was hoping that Moses being there meant she had let him stay but I guess not? I just didn't get the end, does anyone have a better explanation than a dream or is that really it?

"Yeah, ooo, ahhh, that's how it always starts. But then there's runnning and...screaming"


It's a very symbolic sequence and I'm not sure I understand fully, but the final image of Wylie and Royce sitting together in communion knocked me flat. It's an unforgettable image. It's sad but kind of hopeful in a way. Both Royce and Wylie were innocent victims of a freak accident. They held no ill will toward each other, and the final image preserves that innocence.

Live Deliciously!
