James Woods was miscast.

Plan and Simple.

He simply is not believeable as mob boss.
Doesn't have looks,body language,smart etc.

All other actors were perfectly cast as mobsters,womens,authority figures.

In fact,he tried so hard that he overracted his part.

And I always feelt that. De Niro is great as Noodles.


Who would you have cast?


Christopher Walken would be perfect choice.

Other than him: Kevin Kline and Harvey Keitel.


The character’s meant to be conniving and unhinged, not necessarily a physical threat. Thought he pulled it off.

Pesci would’ve been interesting though.


It wasn’t about that you dope. The story follows them as youths to adult criminals. Criminals comes in all shapes and sizes. And Jews were gangsters. If you had an ounce of a brain you would know that


I didn't like the film, but Woods might have been miscast because his face is not craggy enough or distinctive enough, or charismatic enough. Otherwise I think James Woods held his own in the acting department because despite me not liking the movie, I do think that Leone was a hell of a director, even when past his peak.


Yes. He isn't threating enough and doesn't have presence/intimidation factor to play mob boss.

He is more suited for roles of lonely loonatics. Like The Specialist,Casino or Ghost of Mississippi. He is good in those roles. But not mob boss.


You guys are mostly all lost

Woods was perfect for it --- HE replaced John Belushi who was supposed to play Max, YOU think he looked like a gangster??

Yeah he didn't look threatening --- THOSE are the worst kind

Somebody got it right --- The Jew gangsters ran NYC until prohibition when the Italians moved in


Yor probably wouldn't like Sergio's other choices for the role

Originally, Sergio wanted John Belushi for the role of Max and when he died, he hoped to get Gerard Depardieu for the role, but settled on James Woods.


De Niro is a nut and a racist.
