MovieChat Forums > The Last Starfighter (1984) Discussion > Things you'll never hear 'The Last Starf...

Things you'll never hear 'The Last Starfighter' characters say

Krill: Fire the meteor guns!
Xur: Will you cut that out? You're always wanting to blow things up with your damn meteors! Don't we have any nukes on this stupid ship?

Arcade Screen: Greetings pronoun, you have been recruited without your knowledge or consent by some alien force you've never heard of before to defend some location out of in the middle of nowhere from some guy with a goofy sounding name and aliens whose names sound like Conan.

Codan soldier: Communications turret has been destroyed. I've been saying it. I've been saying it for ten damn years...we need a better way to talk to our fighters. But instead...we have this one big vulnerable turret that anyone and their mother could blast to kingdom come!

Alex: Why I am worrying....this evil aliens can't hit a damn thing!

Grigg: Incoming CGI!


Centauri: Perish the thought, my good man. I desire to do things for the greater good so I am doing this pro-bono.

"Life with no freedom is a waste. Freedom with no honor is a bigger waste."


Centauri: Alex, we got trouble. In another galaxy. It starts with an X. And that stands for Xur!

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!
