The Last Starfighter remake

Should happen with todays technology w/ CGI (back then this movie sported the best CGI available) the death blossum would like spectacular!

I've been saying for many years that they need to remake this movie sticking w/ the same storyline.

My choice for Alex Rogan is Justin Long. What do ya'll think?

With all the crappy remakes Hollywood makes now-a-days this movie has been and IS a must to do... It'd be hard to turn this into a crappy remake :))


So didn't I hear that they ARE going to do a re-make?




Here's a video in which Max Landis is crying out for TLS remake:


I don't think a remake could be easily done without drastically changing the story to account for modern technology. I wouldn't mind a remastered version, making the CGI look less like a dream of the game.

I DO think it's past time for another chapter.
Imagine a sequel that puts Louis and his friend (Wil Wheaton) as adults that have grown up knowing that spaceships and aliens are real and obsessing over the game to find a way to contact Alex. First by playing, then by dissecting it and making a career out of arcade technology. Now their children are questioning their parents' motives and sanity. Meanwhile, Alex has become a legend, rebuilding and training Starfighters for the Star League. His oldest child is now old enough to join and Alex is reminded of his home. There has been an uneasy quiet from the Kodan since the Frontier was repaired and he decides to make a visit to Earth. Of course, things don't go smoothly, especially when Xur decides this is the perfect time to come out of hiding and exact revenge, sending his daughter to hunt down Alex on Earth.

Bring back as much of the original cast as possible and make it shine.


Yeah, I'm going to disagree with you on remaking TLS.

The real issue is how Hollywood will PC the heck out of the entire movie by changing the motivations of the characters. They won't have little brother Louis collecting Playboys as that will be deemed sexist, instead will change his character to a girl so Alex has a little sister (because girls can do whatever boys can, blah-blah). They will change the plot so the Rylans will be the ones who provoked the Kodan to invade, since they are nothing but a bunch of "white guys" on Rylos. They will make Centari black, Grig gay, Maggie into a hippie who lectures Alex about killing aliens and will basically screw this Sci-Fi story I love into something unrecognizable.

Just saying that is what they will do.

Look how J.J. Abrams ruined the newer Star Trek movies. He took beloved characters from a great show and turned them into ridiculous, unrecognizable and unlikable people! Kirk is an idiot hotdogger, Uhura is worthless, Spock needs anger management and Pike is the worst assessor of leadership ability. Oh yeah, the stories suck too! The exception is Carl Urban's portrayal of Bones McCoy, but he's the lone one in those mess of movies.


Then again, JJ's concept of the 'point defense' weapon to intercept incoming photon torpedoes to be rather brilliant. But I really can't stand the JJ idea of a battle between capital ships-rather than banging away at a distance like 'ships of the line' of old (or the equally despised by me: capital ships 'dogfighting' like a couple of fighter planes) we get the 'close to spitting distance shoot right down on them' concept of space battle-I swear if I see one more scene with a hole being blown in the hull & crewmen sucked into space(Like v the Nirandra or The Vengeance) I will scream.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?
