MovieChat Forums > DEFCON-4 (1985) Discussion > 'The worst sci-fi films ever' TOP TEN L...

'The worst sci-fi films ever' TOP TEN LIST

After discovering that somebody actually liked Def-Con 4 - I just have to make my ultimate *beep* for the sci-fi genre. Now...make no mistake...if you're going to participate in this little experiment of mine...don't put films like "Plan 9 from outer space" on your's crap...I know...but stuff like that is just fun to watch...NO, gentlemen....what I am looking for are the movies that are so *beep* or poorly made that they hurt to watch...

My ultimate *beep*

1. Def-Con 4
2. Project Shadowchaser III
3. Invasion Earth
4. Blue Tornado
5. Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation
6. A.P.E.X
7. Zone Troopers
8. Space Truckers
9. Retrograde
10. Nemesis

What Starship Troopers 2 are doing there? I's fairly new...some "big" names in the cast...had a medium budget (not a B-movie)...and the CGI/special effects were top of the line. could see that the weapons never actually fire...they had some kind of light bulb stuck down the barrell and added the sound of gunfire in the post-production(very easy to see)....and they blinked and they blinked and they blinked...and after that they blinked som more...and just kept on blinking...and NEVER leaving shells on the annoyed the crap out of me...and made me squirm in my seat...that's why.



I'd TOTALLY forgotten about Hardware which from memory is based on a 2000 AD comic book story, I KNOW I'ver read the comic somewhere if it isn't. But I saw an earlier post that mentioned Battlefield Earth and I have to agree. Amazingly crappy and in it's day equal record holder for the most razzie awards, but only because they got rid of a few categories it was also nominated in.

Toe knee :-)



Zone Troopers
DefCon 4
Circuitry Man
Split Second
Robot Jox
Crash and Burn

... all of these had their time and place and were far more interesting than the last three Star Wars movies combined.


Def Con 4 is the only movie in my entire life that I literally got up and left the theater after about 30 minutes. I just walked out.


Galaxy of Terror
Star Trek Insurrection


I know what you saying about Starship Troopers 2, the guns were awful! what were they thinking.... I actually think the Starship Troopers 3 is worse - the marauder robot armour effects were awful...

Anyway I don't think think either is bad enough for the top ten....

Space Truckers Yes, apart from the Square Pigs


Well I know a lot of low budget scifi that are "the worst"...
But if I get the "big ones" only, then:
StarShip Troopers 3 is worst than the second one (I am assuming you didn't saw it, and I hope you never see...)
Space Truckers is not that bad

Put to the list the "new" The Day The Earth Stood Still, good special effects don't save movies.


I actually thought Starship Troopers 3 was pretty entertaining in a cheesy lighthearted way, certainly better than the abortion that was Starship Troopers 2.
I also got around to watching Lifeforce a while ago, and I'd have to nominate it for the best apocalyptic, space, vampire/zombie, epic of all time. Steve Railsback kicks some serious ass.


I'm guessing no one here has seen Bill Rebane's Invasion from Inner Earth. Thats pure *beep*



I nominate this because the science is so incredibly awful.
-Spoilers ahead-

1. Something huge slams onto the far side of the moon but nobody saw anything big traveling toward Earth/moon? Lots of people are watching for just such a thing.

2. The moon starts to crack into two pieces because of the impact. It's still one piece but the crack is getting longer and longer and when it's complete, about a third of the moon will go floating away. The writers forget that there's this thing called gravity. If such a crack could possibly develop (it couldn't) the two pieces would crunch back together mightily. The moon's gravity would not change because all of its mass is still there.

3. The heroes are going to plant a nuke in the crack to "weld" the crack shut. How do they go to the moon? Why, in a space shuttle, of course!

4. Before the astronauts detonate the nuke and weld the moon closed, boulders are lazily drifting away from the moon because the moon's gravity shut off when the moon cracked <snark>. Only after the nuke welds the crack shut does the moon's gravity turn back on and clouds of giant boulders fall back onto the moon.

I could go on but I'm depressing myself by writing about this terrible movie.


There are probably a lot I am missing, but it is close to 3am here and these are the first ten I could think of.

1. Battlefield Earth (obvious I know, but soooo lame)
2. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
3. Horror Planet
4. Judge Dredd
5. Laserblast
6. Battle Beyond the Stars
7. America 3000
8. Yor: Hunter From the Future
9. Pandorum
10. Star Crash


Yeah, Yor is one of the worst movies of all time. But you can't deny it also has the greatest them song of all time.


Worst movie of all time! Creation of the Damned.
Bar-none! When Italy makes a nuclear-war themed movie, they make it so bad they have to film it in Spain!
Here, see for yourself:

"I'm a vehemently anti-nuclear, paranoid mess, harbouring a strange obsession with radioactive sheep."


The first Starship Troopers was a worse POS than any of those.

And Zone Troopers was great.
