Isaac's voice?!?!

Wat the hell?!?! Isaac is suppposed to be a tough creepy man. But instead, they made him sound like a munchkin from Wizard Of Oz!!!! Did that bug anyone else?!

Last Movies Seen:
Theaters: Friday the 13th 2/13
DVD: Freddy vs Jason 3/2



It is a bit funny that you watch bad horror movies and complain about them. I remember you complaining about being offended at images in One Missed Call. Silly.


Hahhaahah. I liked how you mentioned that. :) lmao. You know how old i was wen i posted that? I was in seventh grade!!!!! Haha.

Last Movies Seen:
Theaters: The Grudge 3 6/10
DVD: Survaillance 6/9


It wasn't the film-makers' decision. That's the way John Franklin speaks. He has a growth deficiency disease. He was 23 when he made the film.



He sounded like an old lady.


I thought it made him even more creepy, actually.

Holding out hope for The Front Runner.


haha it was funny as! but it also added a creepier side to him which is good. but the effects were most funniest. haha.

"Guards seize them"
"Malachai what are you doing" - Isaac!

Nosferatu ٩(̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾)۶


Wow, I always thought John Franklin's performance in this movie was universally celebrated by the horror community. I found his portrayal of a child in a position of power superb. In fact, I didn't know at the time that he was an adult, just an overly mature kid. He speaks with such authority to his followers and doesn't succumb to childish impulses. He was the best character in my opinion.


It took me well over half the movie to figure out if it was a boy or a girl. Sounded a little bit like the old lady in Poltergeist at times.



Im guessing the director/producers loved his whiny voice-because it makes his final lines more powerful and unexpected sounding.


He was so creepy when he was on the outside looking into the diner.. And then he spoke.

"Perhaps we can learn a lesson from this tragedy like don't steal and don't be disturbed."


His voice was good when he was preaching, but when his congregation turned on him and he got angry, it was really annoying and hilariously bad. He continues ranting when he's crucified, and I was thinking to myself, "Please shut up!" He's a really bad actor in this movie.

As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster.


Yeah, he had a kinda angry-lesbian vibe.


He's supposed to be a 12 year old on the brink of adolescence.

It would be so nice if something would make sense for a change.
Alice in Wonderland


When I saw the movie, I thought an old lady was dubbing his lines. I didn't realise he was a dwarf. But the voice suits the character.


I absolutely love his voice and think he suited the role perfectly. Nobody else could've played the role of Isaac the way he did. To me, Isaac is one of those roles where I can't visualize anyone else playing him except John Franklin.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!


The first time I watched Game of Thrones, I couldn't help but think how much Joffrey reminded me of Isaac in this movie. It's the voice a little bit, and also the shape of their face (the eyes).

Anyone else see it?

You don't choose the soy sauce, the soy sauce chooses you.


OMG, I seriously thought I was the only one who thought the same thing. "Holy crap- it's Isaac with blond hair!"
Joffrey's actor should have played Isaac in the remake. He's just as big of a jerk(I really hate having to censor myself here, but I'd rather do it than IMDB do it for me).


Absolutely, I found the voice uncanny! As I watched COTC I felt like I knew that voice, and it suddenly struck me that it was Joffrey!


Totally, very similar faces, voices and that angry-lesbian quality.
