MovieChat Forums > Blood Simple (1985) Discussion > i feel like the only one who doesn't lik...

i feel like the only one who doesn't like this

it's just, like, deadly slow. i don't mind slow movies, either. and i like (almost) all the coen brother's movies! i suppose i don't "get" it, or whatever. what do you guys see in it?


I never really "get" any Coen bros movies. Some I like. Some I don't. I liked this one, and did not mind that it was slow. Sorry i can't be more helpful.


Firstly, it contained many early versions of some of the elements that have made Coen brothers films so famous: Recursive dialogue, unique character introductions, flawless framing and composition, compelling grotesque villains and numerous plot threads that seem to fan out in complex ways before eventually ending quite simply and almost pre-emptively.

If you have ever loved any Coen Bros. film, then you can the see the blueprint of these genius auteurs present in film number one. A very unusual feat for first timers.

A lot of people have differing opinions on their movies but it's essentially inarguable that they didn't change the face of film and the modern narrative, as a whole, for good or for bad.


I love this movie. I haven't watch it in years, so I couldn't tell right now. But! I don't like the most loved Coen films (No Country for drama, Lebowsky for comedy...) and I don't care that I don't. Don't worry if you don't like this one, the Coens are strange.


This is my favorite Corn Bros film. Huge fan of theirs. The atmosphere if this film is so great. Such a dark movie. Certain shots like the windshield wipers in the rain are unparalled. The score is another thing that drew me in immediately. Mainly just Coens overall style. Some of their best work was done of this film which was also their very first. I'd recommend giving it another chance.


In my experience, it's the slow movies that tend to seem slow. Blood Simple isn't a slow movie though, so it can't be slow.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


I liked it, it's a bit silly at times, but still keeps you entertained. For a slow, boring movie from the Coens, nothing beats "Inside Lewis Davis" or how it's called.


I hated this movie. It is the slowest movie I think I have ever seen. The characters stand around most of the time doing nothing with their mouths open unable to make a decision. And none of them are appealing. They are all retarded and immoral. This film is aggravatingly slow and stupid. I think you have to be mentally retarded to like this movie.


Seriously, you haven't even rated a movie made before 1984. This proves that you are probably around 14 years old and/or have an extremely short attentionspan unless there's nude women or explosions or something and much prefer brainless Michael Bay action movies like Transformers. But that's okay, let us enjoy the pieces of art that is Blood Simple. while you go and watch some brainless kiddy movies.


Hey, if you like watching a bunch of immoral, empty-headed retards standing around with their mouths open, doing nothing --- knock yourself out. I would rather watch something a little more mentally stimulating. Something with a little more moral, ethical, social and artistic value than this piece of crap.


You vote Titanic and Avengers 8 and you are talking down to me about artistic value? wow and i thought i've seen everything, this just takes the cake. there is zero artistic value in those 2 movies. They need useless special effects and a hundred million budget in order to prove a point, which they don't even succeed in. This movie however, is so great that the story actually flows when the characters don't even speak ( this is pretty much a trademark for a good movie; Once Upon a Time in the West, 2001: A Space Odyssey for example). And yes the characters ( Actually pretty much only Ray, but whatever. ) themselves are stupid, because they are SUPPOSED TO BE STUPID. That's the point of the film ( Like 'a Simple Plan' ) but you haven't seen those movies because you like non stop action/special effect with alot of dialogue added on.


- Titanic and Avengers were entertaining movies. Blood Simple was stupid, slow and a waste of time.

- There is no value in watching retarded morons stand around and do nothing. There is no value in watching amoral, mouth-breathing dimwits commit adultery, murder and theft and then suffer the deserved consequences.

- The characters in Titanic were interesting. The characters in Blood Simple were not.

- The action in Titanic and Avengers was entertaining. The action in Blood Simple was not.

- I watch movies to be entertained. I was by Titanic and Avengers. I wasn't by Blood Simple.


(By the way, I never saw Once Upon a Time in the West. And I didn't like 2001 A Space Odyssey.)


- Sure Titanic and Avengers are entertaining movies, if you like to watch ridiculous over the top special effects and zero character development or zero plot.

- They are not standing around doing nothing. Ray for example had no idea what to do when he saw Marty who he thought was dead. if people don't know what to do, they might do stupid things. That's simply human. it's a realistic murder story and his character makes that clear perfectly. the only thing about this movie itself that was stupid was the fact that they didn't put any curtains on the windows, but it was enhancing for the plot because he could easily make those pictures.

- I'm glad you only mention Titanic, because even you know the characters in Avengers are absolute trash. The characters in Titanic are simply generic and aren't good either. Whereas in this movie, people make humane decisions and mistakes, which is simply normal and realistic.

- Like my first sentence, if you like over the top special effects and a totally worthless villain, watch Avengers. If you like over the top special effects and a useless romantic story, watch Titanic. Also Blood Simple isn't an action movie so it was your mistake to think it was. It has an Hitchcock level of suspense and is a very humane and well executed thriller.

- That's just what you think, obviously someone in their right mind can't say 'Avengers' or 'Titanic' are better made than 'Blood Simple.' because they aren't. Thing is, some people like you do find them more entertaining because the eye nowadays needs tons of special effects and fast paced things to keep focused.

And ofcourse you didn't like 2001: A Space Odyssey, i wasn't expecting someone with your attentionspan to like it. Obviously you should never watch a movie made before the 90s anymore and stick to your marvel superhero movies and stuff like Transformers


In the movie Blood Simple, a large portion of the time, the characters are doing nothing. That is one reason why the movie is painfully slow.

All the the characters in Blood Simple are stupid. There is not one intelligent character.

All the characters in Titanic and Avengers are smarter than any of the characters in Blood Simple.

There is nothing wrong with liking special effects. If done well, it is a whole lot better than watching amoral brain-dead morons stand around and do nothing.

Every Alfred Hitchcock movie I have ever seen is better than Blood Simple.

Titanic and Avengers are not the best movies ever made but they are way better than Blood Simple.

I didn't like 2001; A Space Odyssey. And it may have even been over my head. But I liked it a whole lot more than Blood Simple. Blood Simple is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.


They are not 'doing nothing'. Just because there's no dialogue doesn't mean they're doing nothing. And compared to something like a Kubrick film this one isn't even that slow at all. Not that slow movies are a bad thing, most of the time it's a good thing. it's just that people like you have a short attentionspan and can't handle it.

The PI for example obviously wasn't a retard, he was cold and calculated. Also Marty wasn't actually dumb aswell, he was just way too jealous. Ray is not the brightest of individuals but that's the whole point. Also how would you react when you found your boss who you think is dead?

You don't even realize characters aren't even an actual part of those 2 movies, they are based on action and CGI only and didn't put any effort in the characters. Blood simple's characters however are made to react very realistic to a situation every normal person probably wouldn't know what to do about.

Well, there is indeed nothing wrong with liking special effects when done well, ( T2, Jurassic Park, LOTR Trilogy ) But especially Avengers has terrible CGI and special effects which is obviously way over the top. It also can't rely on story, characters or music, just use ugly CGI and special effects and kiddies will love it! Guess you can't really blame marvel for that, but yeah it's still terrible for normal people.

That's weird, you haven't rated a single Alfred Hitchcock movie.

How are they better? Enlighten me please, but with adequate arguments and not stuff like 'They have their mouth open sometimes and take time to do something!'

This one was 'over your head' aswell obviously. It's a movie for people who understand cinema, not people who only come there to watch the non stop action show with zero plot. You obviously only watch movies made post 2000s so why you decided to watch a movie before your time is beyond me but just do yourself and everyone a favor to stick to your 2014 marvel CGI fest big budget movies. Blood Simple is one of the best movies i have ever seen, especially for a directional debut.


Wrong, the characters in this movie stand around with their mouths open a lot doing nothing. I was constantly screaming at the screen saying, "DO SOMETHING YOU FREAKING IDIOT !!!"

The PI was an idiot. Did you hear the way he laughed. Only complete simple-minded morons laugh like that. And any mildly intelligent person knows you don't lie, steal, cheat and kill. That is why he ended up dead --- that braying jackass.

The characters in Titanic and Avengers had personalities and intelligence way above anything the characters in Blood Simple had.

I enjoyed Titanic and Avengers. I hated Blood Simple.

There are many movies that I have seen that I have never rated. I am fifty-seven years old. I have only been a member of IMDb for ten. What, you think I only started watching movies at forty-seven ?

They are more entertaining. They are more intelligent. They move faster. They are so much better for so many reasons . . .

Maybe you are young and you find retarded amoral people interesting because you have never seen them before. Like I said, I am fifty-seven and I have seen enough stupid immoral and amoral people to last me a lifetime. I have no interest because I know from experience that being stupid and immoral/amoral is not good for the possessors of such character traits. And it is not good for anybody else around them. Ignorance and immorality are the cause of most of the world's problems. I don't find ignorant and immoral people interesting or appealing.


You simply don't understand slower movies. You claim to be fifty seven years old yet you have the attentionspan of a typical 2015 12 year old boy. Yeah there were people in the movie that were pretty dumb, so what? That was the whole point of this movie. When people are faced with things they have never experienced they do dumb things. What do you expect in a homespun murder story?

The PI is dumb because he laughs weird? seriously? And intelligence doesn't have anything to do with lying, stealing, cheating or killing. He was smart and resourceful, but doing what he did had a risk, it's that simple.

No, they didn't have personalities ( especially Avengers ) But the only thing that keeps those movies afloat if the terrible CGI and special effects which alot of kiddies with short attentionspans will like, like you.

That's fine, like i said it's because of your attentionspan which will make you neglect all the terrible dialogue, acting, action scenes and depth of those 2 horrendous movies.

Like i said, my guess is there must be something seriously wrong with you if you like those kind of movies at fifty seven.

Once again.... attentionspan of a typical 12-16 year old. Obviously not meaning they are better, you just happen to be a typical Michael Bay fanboy who likes terrible, fast paced messy movies like those two.

That's funny, you think i am young while you actually prefer the terrible CGI blockbuster fest movies of 2014 to a slow paced masterpiece of 1984? That's just pathetic. I can tell with what you said about the PI that you obviously prefer typical happy romance movies of the sort, you hate watching people murder eachother in a movie, which really makes me wonder why you even decided to watch a MURDER MOVIE in the first place. You don't like it, that's fine. You are entitled to your own opinion. But stating that only mentally retarded people like a movie you disliked is simply childish behaviour. But atleast you tried to give more than one reason as to why you disliked it ( even though it was nonsense ). Most people like you can't even manage that.


The PI is dumb because he laughs weird? seriously? And intelligence doesn't have anything to do with lying, stealing, cheating or killing. He was smart and resourceful, but doing what he did had a risk, it's that simple.

Wrong. It is a matter of intelligence. It is common sense really. Good isn't good because it is good. Good is good because it is beneficial to the good people and those around them. Bad isn't bad because it is bad. It is bad because it is consequential. That is why bad people hurt others and usually end up in jail or dead, because those are the consequences of being bad. And they usually are not happy. Because that is another consequence of being bad. It is simple cause and effect. Most children learn this before puberty.

First of all, you are not being completely honest here. You have seen I have rated over eighty titles. And according to IMDb, we have similar ratings for nine. And of the seven you think were worse, you pick out the first two to compare. It is not like I have only seen and rated three movies. And what about the nine we agree on?

Secondly, you have asked me to tell you why I thought Avengers and Titanic were better movies than Blood Simple, and I have given you reasons. Why don't you tell me why you think Blood Simple is a good movie?

It was not the characters. We already agreed that they were stupid, immoral, unethical and uninteresting.
It was not the dialog. They, for the most part, don't say anything. They stand around a lot with their mouths open and blank looks on their faces doing nothing.
It wasn't the scenery. The movie takes place in West Texas. There is no color (green leaves, grass, flowers) no mountains, no bodies of water, etc. It is very bleak. It could have been filmed in black and white for all the lack of color.
It wasn't the pace. This was slowest movie in the world.
It wasn't the story. Four immoral and unethical, mentally retarded morons stumble and bumble about each other until three end up dead. What is so great about that?
It wasn't the soundtrack. There were no great songs or orchestration. For what I remember (and I can't remember the music which says right there it wasn't memorable) it was probably produced with one keyboard/synthesizer.

What do you think was so great about this movie?


Just because someone is a crazed psychopath doesn't mean they're unintelligent. In fact, most serial killers are extremely intelligent but most of them are also psychotic. The PI was obviously intelligent, but he was a psychopath.

If you know IMDb you know those stats are not accurate. I saw your ratings and i think only 2 of those movies i gave about the same rating for. And i picked Titanic and Avengers because they are one of the few movies i consider exceptionally terrible (1/10) which i have given only about 20 times in total.

The characters were not stupid, immoral, unethical and uninteresting. The PI was intelligent. Marty and Abby were average. Ray appeared dumb ( he wasn't the smartest ) but he appeared even dumber because he was faced with something he didn't know anything about. I wonder how you would react in a situation like that? I'm guessing you haven't encountered murder so much so you wouldn't know. What do you expect, Iron man coming to kill all the baddies and save the day?

The dialogue infact is perfect. There are so many movies now that are simply cringefests like Avengers for example. While you prefer that, i'd rather not embarass myself and watch a movie with good and the right amount of dialogue like Blood Simple.
I agree about the scenery, but like you said what would you expect of Texas? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeasts swinging majestically?
Wrong about the pace. First of all, when i saw this movie it didn't even come to my mind that it was 'slow'. because you see, i have watched atleast 50 movies that are way, way slower than this one. And besides slow movies are actually mostly a good thing, but i try to place myself in the casual moviewatcher such as yourself. You obviously have not seen alot.
The story was in writing maybe not spectaculair, but it was acted out brilliantly and realistic. Like i said they aren't retarded ( one was actually moderately intelligent ), but they don't know what to do with their 'murder' situation, you once again missed the point of the movie.
That could be, to be honest i don't exactly remember ( it's been a while since i watched it ). But from what i can remember it had a pretty good eerie suspense driving soundtrack but yeah i sincerely doubt it was worse than the movies made post 2010s.

Blood Simple. is great because it shows a murder story in a very simplistic setting. Minimum dialogue is also what made me like tnis movie alot. The pace was very good ( again, for experienced viewers, not for casuals ). And the Hitchcock level of suspense throughout the entire movie from the moment that The PI shot Marty is also something not seen in cinema today. But it's really a matter of difference between us as viewers. You are a casual moviewatcher ( rate something on how pretty it looks, lame action sequences etc etc. ) while i would rate something in terms of acting, directing, cinematography, soundtrack, dialogue and story. Also Blood Simple. is #61 in my all time list right now and i don't think it's even the best Coen film out there but definitely a very good debut film for the Coens.


The PI was NOT intelligent. Intelligent people are self-aware. They don't talk, act and laugh like that blooming jackass. They would be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves. And intelligent people know that lying, cheating, stealing and murder are wrong and consequential. That is why most people don't do those things. He wasn't a psychopath. He was just stupid --- a stupid, immoral, unappealing, uninteresting low-class, trashy idiot.

You want to see a good movie about crazed killers. Watch "Mr. Brooks" or "Miss Meadows". Those are much better movies than Blood Simple. Everything is better in those movies than in Blood Simple --- the characters, the writing, the dialoge, the story, the suspense . . . and most importantly, the entertainment value. Blood Simple is retarded.

All the characters in Blood Simple are stupid. I don't agree with your taste in movies but, I can tell, you are more intelligent than any character in Blood Simple. I can't imagine any of those characters having the ability to write as well as you do.

This movie is amazingly slow. All the characters spend most of their scenes doing nothing except staring with their mouths open. That means they are too slow minded to think fast enough to make any decision as to what to say or do. Only retards act like that. And that means we have to stand there and watch them do nothing as they try to think. That is a tortuously slow and aggravating waste of time for a normal person. Only another retard would identify and enjoy watching retarded morons do this.

I know exactly what I would do in that situation. And I would hope you would too.
-First of all, I wouldn't sleep with another man's wife because it is wrong. Why is it wrong? Because people get hurt. Because it is a betrayal of marriage vows. And sometimes it leads to violence where people get injured or killed.
-Secondly, if I found my boss hurt or seemingly dead, I would call the police. I wouldn't steal his car, drive out to a farm and bury him alive !!! . . . Are you crazy !!! . . . I don't know what twisted nightmarish world you live in but normal people don't act like that. Normal people call the police. They don't do that crazy crap.


That's right, he talked and acted like a dumbass BEFORE they revealed what kind of person he really was ( After shooting Marty ), but that was part of the act. He WAS a psychopath, this is obviously made clear by how he laughs hysterically when he knows he is near death. He was a cold and intelligent psychopath and he knew perfectly well what the consequences could be.

Like i said this is just the difference between how we view these things, you like films at face value, while i like something that goes a little deeper than that. Blood Simple. isn't retarded. Just because you didn't like something doesn't make it retarded. Sure, there are some that no one in their right mind could call anything more than trash, but Blood Simple. isn't one of them. Most dislikers only dislike because it isn't their TYPE of movie, same as in your case.

Really there are so many moments where actions in this movie can easily be explained, while not the smartest decisions, they are entirely plausible but you disliked it because you wouldn't have done the same... yeah.. that would make a great movie.

First of all, it is slower than the average movie, but i know ALOT of movies that are WAY slower than this one. Even only stating something like that proves you are a casual moviego-er who hasn't watched alot of older movies. Second, like i said each situation can be easily explained. While not the smartest decisions, they are very plausible. And really? Again this crap like ' Only retards like this movie because i disliked it!'? It's like you have a personal vendetta against someone in this movie or something, but for some reason you still give it a 2 instead of a 1?

-Sure you wouldn't sleep with another man's wife. But incase you missed it there are alot, and i mean alot of people that do.
-Who do you think would be the prime suspect in that case? They would have found out about the affair and made Ray their number 1 suspect, also he being the one calling would have actually raised even more suspicion, so he went out to bury him because he panicked the finger would be pointed on him, at this point he didn't know he was still alive. When he figured he was alive, he really had no choice other than to continue burying him if he wanted to save his own hide.


I disagree TheNabOwnzz.

Blood Simple was a terrible movie. It was terrible because it was stupid and slow and the characters were stupid, slow, amoral and uninteresting. There is no value for an intelligent person in watching a stupid, slow movie about stupid, slow, amoral and uninteresting people --- unless you --- yourself --- are stupid, slow and amoral.

You can try and defend this movie all you want to but, in the end, it is still just a stupid, slow movie about stupid, slow, amoral, uninteresting and unappealing characters.

And these characters were not just stupid and slow. They were borderline retarded. And that is "really" stupid and slow.

When I think back on all the times in this movie where the characters were just standing or sitting there doing nothing, with their mouths open and with blank looks on their faces, I can't believe how stupid and slow this movie was. I have to laugh.

I know those scenes were supposed to be dramatic. But the only thing dramatic about them were how dramatically stupid and slow this move was. It was so retarded, it was like a SNL skit on bad movie making.


There's really no point in discussing if you name the exact same reasons every comment, which i already explained are false. Most of the more veteran of movie watchers pretty much liked Blood Simple. It's the casuals like you that are used to messy crappy fast paced movies that dislike it because you only like pretty colors and crappy action scenes. Normally you people can't discuss anything so that may have surprised me a bit, but as usual you can only name the same reasons over and over and over again, even though i proved them to be false. So to end this discussion i advise you to not go beyond the 2000s of films anymore... obviously not much for you there.


What is this casual and veteran stuff? As I have said, I am 57 years old and I have probably seen over a million movies in my lifetime. No, I haven't rated as many titles as you and I don't have as much activity on IMDb. But that would be because I have a life. A life filled with people, activities, obligations and responsibilities. Unlike some people, I don't have time to sit around watching movies, rating and talking about them all day, everyday. I wouldn't want to. There is more to life than just watching, rating and discussing movies.

That would make me normal, not a casual movie watcher. That would make me a member of the larger target audience --- normal people. That also means I have a better frame of reference. I know how smart, normal people are. And normal people are a lot smarter than the retards in Blood Simple. That also means I have a better idea of what the normal pace of life is. And believe me, it is a lot faster than the pace in Blood Simple.

How many reasons do you need. Because normal people only need one good reason. And I gave you one good reason;

Blood Simple is a painfully and tortuously slow and stupid movie about four very slow, stupid, amoral, uninteresting and unappealing characters.

That is enough reason for normal people. But obviously, you can't understand this because apparently you are not normal.

If you like the movie and it gives you pleasure, great. But normal people like me don't like it because it isn't any good, for the reasons I have stated --- including the main reason I highlighted above.


Um...........57 years old and having seen over 1,000,000 movies means that you've watched over 48 movies per day. That's over two movies an hour with no sleep in 57 years. Quite an accomplishment. They should make a movie about YOU. Maybe Adam Sandler will do it, he's got time.

You didn't like the movie? That's ok really. It's not a crime. Take a blood pressure pill and watch Age of Ultron, or Fantastic 4 (the new one) either way you go, it's a sucky movie that you might just like.

Snakes....I hate snakes


Um...........57 years old and having seen over 1,000,000 movies means that you've watched over 48 movies per day. That's over two movies an hour with no sleep in 57 years. Quite an accomplishment. They should make a movie about YOU. Maybe Adam Sandler will do it, he's got time.

Saying, "I must have seen over a million movies" is just a figure of speech.  

You didn't like the movie? That's ok really. It's not a crime. Take a blood pressure pill and watch Age of Ultron, or Fantastic 4 (the new one) either way you go, it's a sucky movie that you might just like.

Age of Ultron and Fantastic 4 were much better movies than Blood Simple.


Hahahahahahaha. You said Age Of Ultron and Fantastic 4 are better movies than Blood Simple. Are you sure you're 57 as that is only something teenagers or people in their twenties would say?

Go and invest in some taste as you clearly need some. All of the Fantastic 4 films are complete travesties compared to Blood Simple and Age Of Ultron is average.

I've read a few of your other ridiculous comments about this movie and you see, to think it is rubbish because the characters are stupid and do criminal things. You clearly shouldn't watch anything else by the Coen brothers as they often have lead characters make poor decisions and commit acts of crime just like people do in real life.

You have a really warped sense of what life is like you've been wrapped up in some weird Christian bubble where anyone who commits a sin is an idiot and you can only be intelligent if you don't. Some of the smartest minds have turned to crime.


I liked Fargo. That is a Coen brothers film. But unlike Blood Simple, none of the characters in Fargo were mentally retarded, slow, brain dead zombies who stand around for most of the movie doing and saying nothing with their mouths open.


Dude. First of all, don't use retarded. No one should use that word anymore.

And second, although I thought Titanic was excellent, I also thought Blood Simple was excellent as well. Definitely one of the greatest directorial debuts of all time.



There was nothing slow about this movie. Just about every second was filled with suspense, and something disastrous was always happening. Good thing for the OP there are "Transformers" movies. Or maybe he's grown up in the last nine years.
