MovieChat Forums > V (1984) Discussion > Robin (Blair Tefkin) is a dog

Robin (Blair Tefkin) is a dog

I know that is a pretty vicious comment, but she is.

I saw V once again when Syfy ran it back to back. I have not seen it since it came out. Everything about this series is pure camp. From art direction to acting - it goes across the board. The head lizard, Anna was a hoot. Add the coif and the Gary Numa jump suits... it was pure joy. I caught an episode playing and I could not believe how bad it is, it is so good. I could not stop watching this train wreck. Especially when the Robin character came. Man, she is a dawg. The character she was playing is 17 years old, looks like some yenta in her final year in grad school to me. And not to mention hours of screen time and pages of dialog. I was totally fixated on her.


do u know what? i can't understand a word you said there. and who exactly is this "head lizard" anna?


I think her name is Anna, the hot one.



Talk about a dog. Anna is a dog.


Robin was very pretty when she had the longer hair in the 2 mini-series. Morena Baccarin/Anna, from the new series, also looks way more gorgeous with longer hair.

Semper Sci-Fi !!! ¦|¦|¦|


Robin/Blair Tefkin is a beautiful woman.


I really wish I had the ability to flush retarded threads that make no sense down the toilet.


I wouldn't say that she's a dog but I never thought that she was hot. I thought
that she was overrated. Average at best! Jane Badler was by far the hottest on the show!


No way June Chadwick and Jennifer Cooke were both hotter than Jane Badler.


"Anna" is the new series garbage.

Are you talking the original series or the unneeded "reboot" of last year?


Too those that keep talking about Anna, U must be talking about the new series that came out in 2010. Blair Tefkin was in the original series; and I the acting was a hell of a lot better in the 84-85 series than the remake. The reason why the original failed I believe is 1st they killed off, Lane Smith's character, Nathan Bates; and after that the seriesdidn't make sense. I also believe there were way too many different writer's that didn't care about the series. It had a lot of potential, I admit they tried to keep it going by bringing back Frank Ashmore's character Martain/Philip; but it just wasn't enough.


She's kinda fugly


Dominique Dunne from Poltergeist was originally supposed to play the part. unfortunately she was killed before she could shoot her role. their are 3 shots of Dominique early on in V. they are the same shot but used 3 times.

you can see she had a nice butt.



i think the blonde younger sister polly grew up to be semi attractive. she was in bra and panties in morgan stewarts coming home.
