Do you think people would have been mad

if when they went to see the film Return of the Jedi was a clip show composed of mostly previously shown footage from the previous films in the series?


As someone who saw Jedi in the theater four times I would have to say yes, I would have been a tad mad. There was only two films made up to that point unless you want to count the Star Wars Christmas special. I don't think that they would have had enough stock footage to get away with something like that.

But the concept has certainly been done before. For example, I know the producers of the Battlestar Galactica (original) and Galactica 1980 show pieced together stock footage to create Conquest of the Earth.

I only wished that The Return of the Jedi had been named The Empire Strikes Out as it came on the heels of The Empire Strikes Back. That would have been a classic!
