MovieChat Forums > Octopussy (1983) Discussion > always been my favourite but...

always been my favourite but...

The parts on the train and at the circus always lacked something as the central part of the film. India is amazing, so is the finale at Kamal's palace. I found it so puzzling how Maud Adams had only one line of dialogue in such a long segment of the film. Octopussy is present throughout but only says "Did you recognise him?" when Kamal shoots at Bond through the window. So that was one thing that bugged me, seeing as she's my favourite Bond girl, great chemistry between Adams and Moore in this one.
Loved Octopussy's palace and scared me as a child the saw yo-yos. Q was great in this one, Desmond Llewelyn his usual funny self, rest in peace.


Agree. This film has it's flaws like you pointed out but it is one of my favorite Bond films.

I am probably in the minority but I find Kristina Wayborn to be one of the best Bond girls ever. She was beautiful and had a lot of good scenes in the movie. I thought it was cool how she and Octopussy changed sides toward the end of the movie.


"I am probably in the minority but I find Kristina Wayborn to be one of the best Bond girls ever."

One of her most interesting features is how mysterious and ambiguous her character is. There are at least two instances where she notices Bond is up to his own tricks, and although she's still "officially" on Kamal's side, she keeps quiet and, indirectly, helps him.


"One of her most interesting features is how mysterious and ambiguous her character is. There are at least two instances where she notices Bond is up to his own tricks, and although she's still "officially" on Kamal's side, she keeps quiet and, indirectly, helps him."

Yes she is sort of like PussyGalore in Goldfinger where she is a "bad guy" but as the movie goes on, realizes she is on the wrong side and helps Bond.

She also has the best line in the movie: "That's my little octopussy"

The look on Bond's face after she says that is priceless and cracks me up every time.


And from the same scene:

"I need refilling"


that should keep you in curry for a few weeks. best bond line. ever!

Life's like a Cabo Carne Asada: never know how spicy it's gunna get.


A great film! I hate to be picky, but I must point out one minor detail that was ridiculously inaccurate. Neither a Soviet General officer nor a British MI-6 field man would be so stupid as to believe that the origin of a detonated nuclear weapon couldn't be determined by teams of experts. Nuclear Emergency Response Teams would quickly determine where the fissile material originated simply by collecting radioactive material from the detonation site.


Everything in this world is made in China anyways, so it wouldn't make a difference when they sought out the radioactive materials from the detonation site


I ranked it 18th, not horrible by any stretch of the imagination but still relatively weak. The Germany part I actually thought was the best part.
