MovieChat Forums > Octopussy (1983) Discussion > Who names their kid Octopussy?

Who names their kid Octopussy?

Seriously, what kind of name is that? No, wait, lets go back a few movies to Goldfinger. Who the hell names their kid Pussy Galore? I mean, I know the Bond girl theme is to give them sex-ish names, but, come on, seriously?


She explains that it's actually just a "pet name" her father gave her. But it's still a little creepy and strange.


Ok, yeah, I looked it up and her real name is Octavia, but what about Pussy? Even if that's a nickname too, it's like... really?


Yeah I think it might have been better if she said it was a name she was known by in the smuggling trade.

There's a moral to this story Del Boy but for the life of me I can't find it!



Not seriously.

There are a few things you're not supposed to take entirely seriously in Bond's universe.


Now, this is a signature gun, and that is an optical palm reader.


Have you seen some of the outrageous names parents use today? Whenever I see children's names in our local paper I wanna crack and cry, at the same time!


I hear ya. The one in Goldfinger was meant for humor, than seriousness.

Goldfinger pilot: My name is Pussy Galore.
Bond: I must be dreaming.

Laugh it off. It's a trademark. Don't take it seriously. No matter how many you say it that's how it was done. I laughed so hard I first saw this movie 15 years ago. Only thing really funny besides the guy's cheesy need for gold paint. Other, I never liked that movie. Not that Sean Connery, Gert Frobe, Harold Sakata or any of the hot 60s women were bad. The plot's fine, but just the movie was uninteresting. One of the least interesting Bond films to this day. Not much action, about a guy who cheats, schemes, and kills for money. Just like Diamonds are Forever, another one that's a little slow and extremely off.


I wonder if you would "laugh it off" if a celebrated female character had male characters in her movies named Clitlicker and Octocock. It's insulting to refer to women as Pussy. I get that men who enjoy Bond are intimidated by women and insecure with themselves but don't say that degrading and mocking women in entertainment is simple fun. It isn't.


"I get that men who enjoy Bond are intimidated by women and insecure with themselves..." A bit of a generalization, wouldn't you say? Not all men surely. This seems like its own kind of unnecessarily degrading lashing out. Not all Bond films are equally extreme in their portrayals. The Dalton films and the Craig films are very different in terms of their presentations of women then the films of the Connery and Moore eras and there's some variance within those films too. Obviously OHMSS is a more mature presentation, perhaps the most within the series. I love that film and admire it (it may be my own favorite Bond) but I don't think it's crucial for all the other films to evidence a uniform maturity. I would have been pleased by that but I don't mind and I even enjoy the variety made available by the other films and the diverse range of takes on the character and the world he inhabits.


I would actually. People are too uptight these days.


You'll have to blame Fleming for those. Octopussy originally refers to Dexter-Smythe's (sort of) tame Octopus. Maybe not so tame since it kills him in the end. In the film, Dexter-Smythe becomes Octopussy's father.

Pussy Galore is the only 'nudge-nudge' name that Fleming created, 'Kissy' hardly counts. I wonder what he would have made of 'Holly Goodhead', 'Molly Warmflash' or 'Xenia Onatopp'?


There was a football player for my college years ago with the name "Seymour Lucious Pusey", I kid you not.


Her real name is Octavia Dexter- Smythe.

Everything will be OK in the end, if it aint OK,it aint the end.


Maybe her father wanted to give her a name that was "edgy". Why? For "street cred" maybe? LOL. Beats me.
