Stupid Stereotype

God I hate these stupis stereotype movies that show men can't cook,clean,clothes wash and take care of two kids.
Good grief I could cook do laundry and vacuum when I was 12!
I know the movie is made in 1983 but that stupid stereotype continues unabated in todays commercials and appears to be getting worse


I know women that can't run a household, so it's not that off. Furthermore my brother-in-law can seriously do nothing in a house. He can't even cook something in the microwave, some noodle meal that only required water to be added and he didn't and burned up the meal. The point is if you aren't used to doing the job it's not that odd that somebody would be a fish out of water, which is what this movie is, a fish out of water story. It's supposed to be funny and I think it served it's purpose. Times have changed a lot since the 80s when this was made though not as much as some might think. Besides, look at Baby Boom. She can hardly function either, a former work-a-holic turned into a stay at home Mom. Again, a fish out of water story.


To the whining Guys I have one thing to say; lighten up, you sound like a bunch of women...

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


Reading this thread was amazing at least. Unfortunitly I know many a man who knows nothing about a kitchen; one I knew was so bad as to make a grill cheese -- in the TOASTER no less, oh and he once put EZ Off on a sandwich in lieu of mustard. Further thank God I can say I knew more who were very talented chief's in their own right, me included. I'm proud to say so too, not ashamed or feel it is unmanly, or The worst excuse I ever herd (more than once - shame!!); that only queers know "that stuff".

Duty, Honor, Country.


>> To the whining Guys I have one thing to say; lighten up, you sound like a bunch of women... >>

Cram it, jerkface. I never whine and I am a woman. I could out-do you in anything you name.

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


Lol. Never, huh?

I challenge you to a name writing in the snow contest!!!! Lol

Or how about who can make the most artistic dive from a tall building. Ladies first.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


Never whine? LOL.

If a man, your boyfriend or husband told you or simply asked you to make him a fcking sandwich, I bet you'll start whining then.


Plus any homeowner, nevermind an engineer of any kind would know what 220 power is and that you don't do home renovation with a chain saw. It was just stupid, much as I love to see Michael Keaton being funny.


People without a sense of humor shouldn't watch lighthearted comedies.


That's the whole point, OP. In the 70's & 80's most dads worked & mothers stayed home & took care of the house & kids. So it really wasn't a stereotype at the time like it is now.

Dads staying at home was not the norm, although as far as cooking went, pretty much every dad in OUR neighborhood did ALL the grilling (hotdogs, hamburgers, bratwurst, Italian sausage, chicken, steaks, etc) & the occasional "special" meal. My dad made a mean lasagna, Rachel's dad made a great pizza, Billy's dad knew how to make ribs, etc.

Dads were in charge of the outside stuff like the yard (lawn and garden & sometimes the flowers), cleaning/maintenance of the car & garage or basement if you had one.

I think it's a testament to the mom's of the 70's & 80's who taught their sons to cook, clean, do laundry, wash dishes, etc. Just like the dads who made sure their daughters knew how to change the oil in their cars, check a tire's air pressure, how to fix a leak in the kitchen sink or stop a toilet from running.

I think it's a great movie, regardless. And I liked chubby Jack in that flannel shirt, lol.


This movie drove my father up the wall for the same reasons. Another stereotype in TV and movies is women actually possessing logic.


Oh, I know! Sexism against men is a HUGE problem in our society.


I totally agree . . . shut it off after the laundry/kitchen scene.
