Michael Nouri

Could they have not chosen such an ugly man to be her love interest? I mean seriously. Her character is irritating, but she is absolutely gorgeous. Then you have her boss, this middle aged UGLY, extremely unattractive guy pursuing her and her actually falling for him. Its insane and has always bothered me about this great movie.

The movie itself I have always really liked, but I cannot get passed how ugly that guy is and her falling for such an ugly man. You might say he had great personality, but seriously, do you want to wake up to something like that in the morning even with a great personality? Just blah.


I'm a straight male, so maybe I don't have the best perspective on this, but I thought Nouri was a pretty good looking guy here. I know growing up Flashdance was one of my Step-Sisters' favorite movies, and they both thought he was cute.

As stunning as Beals was, it's not hard to imagine an 18 year old girl falling in love with a rich, charming boss who looked like Michael Nouri.

A journey into the realm of the obscure: http://saturdayshowcase.blogspot.com/


Ridiculous. He's as beautiful as she is in this movie.
Where are your eyes?


What?! He's absolutely beautiful. The epitome of tall, dark, and handsome.


Wow, you are shallow I've got to say! Besides, he's not even ugly. He looks perfectly fine.


Shallow is the politically correct word for realistic.

I agree it could be the money.


No, shallow is the word for more shallow than a puddle of urine on a convex rock. There’s nothing realistic about you, save your banality. Not for nothing, the word you wanted was “past” and not “passed.” Oh, I just had a thought that would explain your assessment of Nouri’s looks AND your writing handicap: when did you have your last eye exam?


😂😂😂 so agree with the OP. He was ugly. I hated the love story in this 🤮.

...But then I saw this actor in a film where he dies and and this nice alien takes over his body... I forgot the name of the film. The guy from Blue Velvet played the alien. Anyway, this guy was nice in that film and it made me see him in a better light in this.
