
For the most part, especially during the action scenes, the animation is just incredible.

And then there are the faces. Teegra's face in particular appears as a lumpy mess at times.

I understand why and how it's like this and far be it from me to question a cult classic made by legendary talent. That being said...I'm totally questioning dat face.


I thought the female faces looked good. The male faces weren't so great.

Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.


I think the faces look just fine.


i think the film was rushed for some reason or they ran out of money. or was just experimental which is fine.

i wish they made tons more like this afterwards, then the rushing wouldn't be such a problem. i want more !

it's still a quality film, in my opinion, because it's something that you don't see too often in animation films, which are usually more "cartoony". in this case, i feel, quantity would be welcomed as long as they make an attempt at quality on all of them.
