There's A Remake...

...which, as of this writing (February 25, 2015), may have already been completed. Normally I wouldn't be in favor of remaking an already perfectly fine film, but I might make an exception here, especially given the reasons I will mention.

I first saw "The Dresser" (1983) when I was 14, just a year after its release, when it was shown on cable, and it further provoked in me an interest for all things British. It's an interest which was initially sparked by music (Beatles, Stones, Kinks, etc.) and then moved on to things like Monty Python and Peter Sellers. Anyway...

Since the film is based on a play, and the play has probably been staged many times by different casts over the years, I don't see why they couldn't restage the film as well. And, as mentioned here on IMDb, this remake is apparently not going to be a feature, but rather something presented on BBC. The initial casting looks to be first rate as well, with Anthony Hopkins (though he's recently taken a lot of not good films...for the money, seemingly. But who can blame him?) and Ian McKellen.

I enjoyed the original film. Here's hoping the remake does as good a job, if not better.



It's good, but a bit claustrophobic as it misses the external scenes.
