MovieChat Forums > A Christmas Story (1983) Discussion > 2016 ACS Marathon Countdown

2016 ACS Marathon Countdown

So here we go again! This thread is used to countdown to the next ACS marathon next Christmas Eve. I use this site,, to keep track of the days. I hate to even say it but we are 358 days away. I really hate this time of year with the Christmas season being soooo far away but hang in there and September will be here before you know it!


127 to go!!!


Just a few days until we are in the double digits and the season will be upon us again; 107 days and counting. I noticed over the last couple weeks the board is really starting to pick up again. Now we just need some cool weather to set the mood for the Holidays.


This was the first "tolerable" weekend in Houston for months - it's been extreme heat and humidity coupled with either harsh sun or pouring rain and then mosquitos. But I was able to knock out some yard work and not be miserable. Looking forward to cooler weather, pumpkin pie and good TV!


This was the last "summer" weekend, the countdown is getting closer.

Is this Idaho? Because I will not limbo in Idaho.


83 days until the marathon! Bonus points that it's October 1st - my favorite month and the official start of the overall holiday season to me!!


Pumpkins and scarecrows all over Walmart, my favorite time of year! It's still pretty warm in Houston, but at least the mornings and evenings are much cooler and free of humidity. I was in Austin last weekend and it was fantastic.


68 days, 1 hour and 10 minutes until the marathon!!


Oh, it's that time of year again.


Well, hello to the month of November! We can now officially say Christmas is next month!!


Here's to swimmin' with bow-legged women


New Year's Bump


50 days until the marathon! The Christmas commercials are playing and it almost feels like we're there!


Hallmark is in full Christmas swing. All syndicaiton of Last Man Standing and Middle will not return til Janurary, Christmas decor filling the stores. Only thing missing is its is unseasonably warm here. It was 83 Halloween, not that I'm complaining, just slows down the Christmas mood a little. It does feel like 2 weeks ago I posted after Labor day to welcome the fall season.

Is this Idaho? Because I will not limbo in Idaho.


The marathon is kind of depressing because it means Christmas is done for another year.

I'd guess next year will be a bigger deal because it will twenty years since the marathon started. This year though will be the 20th time that a Turner network stations had the Christmas Story marathon.


The marathon is kind of depressing because it means Christmas is done for another year.

I couldn't agree more. Ever since i was a kid, I've looked forward to Christmas with such anticipation that Christmas Eve has become the end all be all to me and it's all downhill from there. By noon on Christmas Day, it feels as though it's all over and just a little depressing. Watching the first airing or two on Christmas Eve is magical but by the next day, I'm reminded that another year of anticipation awaits beginning on December 26th. This movie sorta captures that vibe. You feel the excitement & anticipation during the trip to the store to meet Santa and the cozy feeling of family as they're putting up the tree just before the kids are sent to bed. That's what a Christmas Eve is to me. The quick rush of Christmas morning quickly gives way to the letdown as Randy is sleeping on the floor and Ralph & his parents seem spent - just before the big reveal of the Red Rider of course.


i'm ready!

The food I've liked in my time is American country cookin'-Colonel Sanders 🇺🇸


35 days until the marathon! It's been a long hot year but it makes this time of year worth it. I look forward to introducing my two boys to the marathon and the tradition watching the first airing and keeping it on in the background throughout Christmas Day.


I'm sure the boys are going to love it!!

December is now soooooo close!! Woo Hoo!


Here's to swimmin' with bow-legged women
