The first was better.

I think that the first movie was so much better then this one. I didn't like the plot and didn't like the end to this movie. I didn't think there was a need to make a second movie.


I agree. I can't call Returns a bastard sequel because it does follow Farley's book, but it shatters the beauty of the first movie knowing that Alec and The Black are separated. I believe originally there were going to be three movies made of Farley's first three novels, but then something happened and they never filmed the story where Alec and The Black reunite.

So until that shining day when that story is put to film, I'll stick with the first movie and let the sequel gather dust on the shelves.



I didn't know that was the original plan, but I agree it would have been much better if they'd followed through. Though I'd love to see them do another movie to show the third book and reunion I also wonder how good it would be. If it was done right it's certainly something I'd love to see.


Come on this wasnt bad at all, in fact I liked it


The original plan indeed was to have a third movie. Many things were factors on why it never happened.


i LOVE the second movie!!!! but i felt that what could of helped it be a hit at the box office was if they followed about 90 % of the book. i remember reading the book for the first time and couldnt put it down. and this was after seeing the second movie.....also have to remember that Kelly Reno who played Alec was in a bad wreck and his heart wasnt into acting anymore


Yes, the film was vastly different from the book. They should have left out the comic antics of Kurr and his sidekick. In the book, the Uruk were BAD GUYS, not comic reliefs. I think that hurt this film a great deal.

Kelly was in the wreck years after this movie was filmed.
He didn't get into the wreck until after his appearance in "Amazing Stories" was filmed which was in 1985.



I'm not sure how this sequel "shatters the beauty" of the first film, as this film is gorgeous. The desert vistas are even more stunning than the island scenes from the first film. And just because you don't like sad endings, doesn't mean the ending is weak. The conclusion is a bit sad, but logical. The horse belonged in the desert, because it was it's natural habitat. the boy letting the horse go is part of his growing up. Anyway i love this beautiful film every bit as much as the first one..

Fabio Testi is GOD


They made it more ridiculous than it had to be (although possibly due to casting issues?). In the book, Alec, Henry, and one of the men they beat in the test match travel to Arabia in the hopes that they can buy The Black, or at least some of the man's other horses. In the movie, Alec stows away in the wing of an airplane that luckily is going exactly where he needs to go, and hitchikes across the dessert, and doesn't even tell anyone he'll be gone.


Not only that, but the film ended differently than the book did. It made you wonder WHY would he have just left the horse there after all he went through to get him back???
Well, there was SUPPOSED to be a third film. That was the plan. The film series was not intended to end with this film. It just simply never got made probably because this one did so poorly, and because of that, sadly there just wasn't any interest in doing another.


I honestly like the sequel better.

Death will come on swift whomsoever opens this chest!
-Dr. Allen Chamberlain



I liked it, but thought it could have been better if they didn't turn Alec into a raving idiot.

~I can hear his beard!!~



I agree. The second one could have been just as good but whoever made it didn't want to take the time to do so.


I saw this movie in the theater. Based on the release date it was probably right before I turned 10. I don't know if I've seen it since, but I might have seen it again when if first came to cable, but I definitely haven't seen it in around 30 years so I don't even remember what happens in it, but I can still remember being disappointed with it as a kid.


No one wanted to take the time to make a good movie, so they wound up with a so-so sequel.
