MovieChat Forums > All the Right Moves (1983) Discussion > Djordjevic is a serbian surname. Why are...

Djordjevic is a serbian surname. Why are they catholics?

I am halfserbian and serbs are orthodox yugoslavians.

Serbs were never catholics. Why is he holding a typical catholic rosary and why is there catholic crosses everywhere in his home?

I am sorry but such details is bothering me. =(


Because his father converted to marry his mother? I can tell you from experience that back in the day, if a woman wanted to marry a guy from another denomination in a roman catholic church, the guy had to convert.

On the flip side, I've known Roman Catholics convert to Judaism for marriage's sake

No help from Harold


maybe his parents were born in the states and they chose to be catholics instead...who knows


Because they're probably not Serbian, but actually Croatian.


Actually, I think he is supposed to be Polish. Very common in that area of PA. I grew up and played HS football against the real HS there from just 45 mins away.


Because the writer probably didn't know any better.

Almost all eastern Europeans are represented in Johnstown, with the Slovaks and Serbians among the largest. There were once three Serbian Orthodox churches, the most of any city in the U.S. The Conemaugh/Franklin area where Stef lived has one of the largest Serbian percentages.

The Poles are Catholics, as are about half the Slovaks (the other half are Lutheran). There are a smaller amount of Croatians.


This is America, lots of mixing of ethnicities. Maybe the father wasn't religious but the mom, who was Catholic, brought the religion to the family. Plus, 6% of Serbs are Roman Catholic, so the dad's family could have been.


Because the writers didn't know any better.

There were once three Serbian Orthodox churches in Johnstown, still have two.


Damn, I come back two years later and write the exact same reply.


Doesn't matter...he's really just a dirty lying scientologist anyway.

"I must be crazy to be in a loony bin like this."


My wife is Catholic and there are Japanese Catholics at her church.
