MovieChat Forums > Poltergeist (1982) Discussion > researcher who helps himself to a steak....

researcher who helps himself to a steak...

so ok these dudes are "guests" and set up shop to research the poltergeist activity

he is munching on a bag of cheetos, that goes empty...decides to go into their kitchen without asking and get himself out a *beep* 2 pound sirloin fine cut of steak..gets a pan out at like 1 AM...

he deserved to have his face melt off into a sink, even if it was imagined.

what a total *beep* of a house guest. Steak isn't cheap..and he just waltz right into the kitchen with a drum stick hanging out his mouth

*beep* asshat.


Apparently he's head of the Freeloaders department at the University.

Seriously though, he's a researcher in a field of scientific study that's not considered legitimate, so you know that he's not raking in the $$$$ as a ghost inverstigator. Dude's probably only got a cabinet full of ramen noodles at home.


Yeah. I guess it's not possible at all that, knowing he was going to be staying at the house for an uncertain amount of time, that he could've gone to the store, bought a bunch of food for himself and put it in the fridge for when he got hungry. That's not possible at all. 


He wouldn't have known that he was going to be staying for a while. When the investigators got to the house, they would have been a bit skeptical about any actual activity. They were only going on Steve's info, and the most activity they'd ever seen was a little toy taken hours to move across a room.
It wasn't until they saw all hell breaking loose in Robbie and Carol Anne's bedroom that they realized that they have to stick around.


Yes, but they knew they were staying well into the night. It's not beyond reason that he bought and brought his own food. Or at the very least, that the Freelings invited them all to help themselves to whatever was in the house. I've experienced both scenarios.



I wish the spirits really melted that dork's face! He is a freeloader helping himself to a steak.


Maybe that was his punishment, freeloading off the Freelings.

It's that standard scene in every horror movie where the guy goes off alone somewhere in the house and something horrible happens.


Little assbag was a bit too greedy. Downed an entire bag of Cheetos, ate a handful of Ritz crackers, then grabbed a chicken leg before thinking he's at Ponderosa and moves onto a steak dinner.

He should have just grabbed some more chicken. More subtle than trying to fry a steak in the middle of the night, alerting the family that he had the munchies.


Little assbag was a bit too greedy. Downed an entire bag of Cheetos, ate a handful of Ritz crackers, then grabbed a chicken leg before thinking he's at Ponderosa and moves onto a steak dinner.

LOL!  Well in that case he definitely got what he deserved. Those ghosts didn't appreciate him mooching off the Freelings.



Ha ha ... I agree. He was a bit of a jerk.

In the novelization of POLTERGEIST (good read BTW), a lot more happens to Marty in the kitchen that the film does not show. He is literally skeletonized by hungry spiders, rats and worms... they eat through his clothes and flesh... then later on, the action moves to the bathroom where he has another insane hallucination that has him metamorphising into the Beast with elongated arms and he eats chards of broken mirror off the floor.

Spooky spooky stuff.


The script itself was pretty weak on details. The steak turned into a cluster of tumors, which is how it was supposed to appear in the film. The FX crew created it, then showed it to Tobe Hooper, who gave his approval. Then Spielberg saw it and made them change it to the one that now is in the movie.

As for the bathroom scene, the script only said that Tak...Marty's original name....looked into the mirror and the face that was looking back was that of a corpse whose appearance was heavily decayed. Then the lightbulb kind of zaps and the corpse illusion is gone.


I remember reading the script a long time ago and remember the cancerous steak and the corpse in the mirror. I still love the crawling steak in the film. It was like the ghosts were playing with Marty .. "You want your steak?" ... "Here's your steak .... hahahahaha!!!"

The book though offers so much more torment. The steak, the maggots, the face ripping is all there... what followed was Marty being suspended in mid-air while millions of spiders emerge from the dark corners of the kitchen and crawl all over him and begin to devour him. This is followed by hungry rats and worms ... they eat his flesh right down to the bone. It was all a hallucination of course but then when the ghosts/demons come down the stairs and begin to parade before the Freelings and the para-psycologists in the living room, Marty runs scared to the bathroom and that's when he has another hallucination where he is overcome by the Beast. They really didn't like him ..LOL and you truly understand why he doesn't come back to the house.

All of this would have been hard to visualize effectively in 1982, although I am certain "Industrial Light and Magic" would have come up with something fantastic but surely these scenes would have pushed this film to R-rated territory that Speilberg never would have been able to appeal and I do not think they wanted to take that chance.


Yeah, That comes up when he's running back through the kitchen after the face peeling.

There's another scene later after Marty returns from his nightmare in the kitchen (apparently it was all a dream). While the family watches the spirits in the living room, Marty runs down the hall to the bathroom. There he sees his hands melting and then watches as he turns into a hideous humanoid creature with scales and a hump back. He goes insane and then returns to the living room without any clothes on. Dr. Lesh later tells Diane that he has packed up and flown home.


He must have found the Freeling's secret stash of pot, cause he had a SERIOUS case of the munchies. LOL.


The part with the maggots eating the steak was so gross! 


The script I read online described it as 1000 maggots crawling from the chicken leg into the dark corners of the kitchen.

And Spielberg was right in choosing the imploding steak over the Tumor Surprise steak.

link to the script I mentioned....


I think the maggots were on the drumstick he had in his mouth; that's what made him run to the bathroom.

Funny, I remember thinking that when I saw it in the theater in 1982, that it was pretty cheeky for him to help himself to a steak. I guess that part what a morality tale, i.e., what happens when you take food that you shouldn't. :0


lol - I just watched this last night and laughed when he was getting ready to fry up a steak in the middle of the night with everyone sleeping nearby.

any other late night snack I wouldn't think twice, but frying up a steak? lol


Wow ^^ Then you suck as a host if you think his behaviour is out of line. And steak was not expensive in the 80s.
