MovieChat Forums > Grease 2 (1982) Discussion > things I learnt from this movie**spoiler...

things I learnt from this movie**spoilers***

U can shove a large cello up a flagpole
u can break into song in biology class and your teacher will join u
Its pronounced 100 long-playing albumens not albums
Pink ladies think pink

Inside this stupid body father dabrikasa i am still young, i still feel, i still think and i still love u


you clearly have not learned grammar from anyone.


hmmmm...kind of an old post, but here are some things I learned from Grease 2.

5. Stephanie wants a C-O-O-L R-I-D-E-R
6. I'll be your girl for a season, all the year through...
7. Stephanie got two for the price of one
8. Girls like Stephanie give summer fun a bad name
9. Paulette might not be the classiest chick in this school, but she's the best he's ever going to get, so take it or leave it!
10. It looks to me, like he can really fly (who's that guy?)
11. Ewe, pants!
12. The cheerleader twins have a crush on Michael
13. When a t-bird jacket is requested, it is provided within one second with the response, "One t-bird jacket!"
14. We're gonna scooore tonight!!!!
15. Stephanie could kiss the next guy who walks through that door if she wants
16. Anyone with a "red hot accordian" probably isn't going to win the talent show
17. Stephanie ruined the talent show by breaking into some other song during the final chorus of "A Girl For All Seasons"; however, their number still won and she was crowned queen of teh Laou.
18. That star on Stephanie's costume floated away
19. Michael and his motorcycle went to heaven in Stephanie's song
20. Stephanie's dress was VERY short when she was queen of the Laou (was that even a dress?)


21. Always call a British smart guy and snazzy dresser "Shakespeare".
22. Ketchup is not put on hamburgers even if you ask for it.
23. Reproduction is very simple but very important.
24. Blantch thinks that any talent show try-out is wonderfull no matter how bad it may be.
25. Jonny is the king of hip.


26. Dolores doesn't like being called up-chuck.
27. Dolores is Paulette's sister.
28. Till death do us part, think pink.
29. Stephanie hasn't read a Superman comic in the last few hours.
30. Stephanie works at a gas station.
31. Every single customer at the gas station where Stephanie works is completely rude.
32. Michael's a really smart guy, you know that?
33. A motorcycle helmet and big goggles completely disguises someone, and nobody will even have the slightest idea who you are if you wear those items.
34. In fact, you could even make out with someone, and they will have no idea it's you if you just keep the helmet and goggles on.
35. Paulette totally got Stephanie's sloppy seconds.
36. Johnny still wants Stephanie, even though he's with Paulete.
37. They make it sound like a track meet, gross!
38. All the girls can say is "no no no no no no no no no".
39. When Johnny gets a strike Paulette looks at him like he's the coolest guy in the universe.
40. Michael bought a book so that he could converse with his peers.
41. The book contains the phrase, "bowling, anyone?"
42. The yearbook photographer evidently positioned the camera on the ground, and asked all couples to leap toward the camera.
43. Even though Calendar Girls was much better than the T-birds song, they still tied for first place in the talent show.
44. Stephanie wasn't excited about winning queen of the liau.
45. Stephanie thought her mystery boyfriend was dead, but never called the police or tried to get help in any way.
46. I'm SICK of being a tree!!!
47. The t-birds own and distribute the Pink Ladie's jackets.
48. If it takes forever, Stephanie will wait forever.
49. Stephanie don't want no ordinary guy.
50. Look, when is Michael gonna get the picture?


51. After failing beauty school because of a botched tint job, Frenchie decided that a solid, methodical science course like Chemistry was clearly the next option.
52. High school is full of professional dancers.
53. Michael can look but not touch Stephanie.
54. Michael shouldn't even LOOK at Stephanie.
55. When high school boys and high school girls talk about "score" they aren't talking about sex or drugs- they are making a referrence to bowling.
56. Eugene wasn't a senior (what was he doing at the senior carnival?)
57. In 1962, every song was largely influenced by 1980's music.
58. Someone at that school sounded remarkably like a member of The Four Tops, despite the fact that it was only a bunch of pasty white kids that attended.
59. Doing a full-on faceplant off the school steps does NOT lead to utter disaster for your face.
60. There is a movie musical sequel that's more pointless than Shock Treatment.


61. If you're going to do it, do it for your country
62. If you're looking for affection, you'll find it down at the grocery store
63. Goose wants a girl who's really smart. Provided that she's really stacked...
64. When a girl has missed her last three periods, she can simply make them up with Mrs. McGee
65. Johnny, aka the King of Hip, is the best
66. Balmudo must be the dumbest guy in the world to still be around after three years
67. The leader of the T-Birds can be a complete whimp, and everyone will still treat him like a god


68. Australian girls all have cousins from England.
69. You can be an athletic supporter, which is better than playing with yourself.
70. Chemistry teahcers allow drop outs to come back to school and use the chemicals the first period of the first day.
71. Substitute teachers get no respect.
72. People can spin really fast in bowling alleys.
73. Bowling rules state that two pins qualify as a strike if the other team is late.
74. You just might see all of Miss Mason in music appreciation class this year.
75. Music teachers randomly pop into science class
76. Where does the pollen go?
77. During nucleoid war is a good time to run out of a bomb shelter.
78. Cool riders can jump over cars without a ramp.


*WOW* Just *WOW*


41.2 that book also contained the phrase "Lets bowl some balls"



79 Talent Shows that take place on the day before the last day of school need auditions that take place a month after the first day of school
80 It is ok to make all the other talent show acts perform in front of a curtain for one act that requires a big set
81 When thinking of the February the holiday that comes to everyone's mind is President's Day.

"The only thing to do is jump over the moon"


82. It's completely fine for a senior to lick out a freshman's ear in his girlfriend's presence, and then make out with her.
83. The sixties look exactly like the fifties!
84. Frenchie's natural hair color is orange.
85. When Brits sing, they sound like John Travolta.
86. It's okay to fall in love with someone who looks exactly like your cousin.
87. Guys find girls who hate your guts one day and love you again the next day attractive and not tiresome.
88. All Army nurses have to have sex with soldiers and no one else.
89. John F. Kennedy secretly prefers the Marilyn Monroe look, and Johnny "The King of Hip" is the perfect guy to compare to the president of the United States.
90. The best thing to do during a nucleoid war is to run out of a bomb shelter to go join the Army.
91. Tying yourself to your significant other with Christmas lights at the end-of-year luau not only makes sense, but is very romantic.
92. Always viciously attack a guy who tells you not to appear on stage in your underwear.
93. When you fall in love with a guy just for his looks, it will turn out that he's really the same smart guy with the great personality that you dumped because you didn't like his looks.
94. Even though Paulette is Dolores's older sister and has the same last name, nobody calls her "upchuck" because she's a Pink Lady and not a Pink Lady mascot.
95. Paramount will not file a lawsuit against Disney because the High School Musical movies and the Grease movies share no similarities at all, especially considering that none of the main characters ever leap at the camera with similar poses.
96. There is no problem with discipline at Rydell High.
97. There's no Junior ROTC at Rydell High, so the receptionists have to fill in.
98. It's acceptable to tell your little sister to go home, and then drive away, leaving her to find her own ride home.
99. Frenchie is allowed to keep her Pink Ladies jacket even though the current Pink Ladies and T-Birds (who distribute said jackets) are completely unaware of her existence.
100. Cool guys eat at diners that are painted pink.
101. Complain loudly to everyone that you hate your nose, then walk straight into a door and put a bandage on it...then loudly deny that you finally got that nose job, and tell the truth, without using this opportunity to get the nose job since you're all bandaged up.
102. Dolores is a crackerjack skateboarder, even though she can't keep both feet on the board at the same time.

"Close your eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream. That's how I get by."
--Capitan Jack Sparrow


*When you fall in love with a guy just for his looks, it will turn out that he's really the same smart guy with the great personality that you dumped because you didn't like his looks.*

LOL, yes...that is sooooo true. Probably one of THE most important lessons from the film.


103. When you ar presumed dead and suddenly re-appear no one will be very surprised.. Especially not the lady who just recently sung you a tribute.
104. If you're late for school the very first day of the year, don't worry, just jump through one of the schoolwindows. Prefearably an open one on the bottom floor.

I wish I was an irishman with golden hair and tapping feet


82 The students have lockers BEFORE the first day of school
83 The wind will cause pollenation
84 Stephanie has never been certainer


apparently you didn't learn spelling


105. I learned that they totally screwed up the final song by trying to take parts of the final song on the original and hoping nobody would notice, by slowing the song down to a ballad.


Stephanie is free its in the constitution
She is also looking for a dream ona big machine with hell in his eyes
She also can just walk away no ride away from her job without serving customers

Is that old gosh it is ....servehim some cake


109. It's better to be yourself (Michael) than to try to pretend you're something you're not (Danny Zucko & Sandy)

110. It's better to love someone for who they are (Stephanie) than to make someone so insecure they completely change their personalities (Danny & Sandy)

111. It's ok to grab Muffy Rodgers' breast during rehearsals, but only if you're Brad.

112. Apparently there's a female butcher at the luncheon meat display that not only has the best toungue in town, she also delivers BOTH night and day!

113. DiMucci didn't even know Rome was in trouble.

114. Despite having the same teachers, you can cover up a homework for sale scheme by simply splashing ink on the cover page.


115. DiMucci still hasn't scored.


116. At Rydell High you pick a locker and lock it because these guys will steal everything
117. You have to push your way through life- Coach Calhoun
118. The Scorpions were lucky the T-birds went bowling that night
119. Stephanie gets annoyed when customers ask for maps even though she works at a gas station
120. Sharon likes to dress like Jackie Kennedy
121. Never swallow a cigarette but if you do make sure you're near a water fountain!


122. They' Always.......and ever.


123) Rydell High has the shortest school years in history.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


124). Frenchy is no longer a Pink Lady but repeated her senior year at Rydell High School . -- 125). Michael Carrington is Sandy Olsen's cousin . -- 126). Eugene Felnic is back for another year at Rydell High School but we still don't know what grade he's in . -- 127). There's actually a song about " Reproduction " in this movie lol . -- 128). The twin cheerleaders are crazy for Brad and even have a song about it for the talent show . -- 129). T-Birds punch and kick pink cabinets outside of public Diner's when they are angry . 130) . Principal McGee still keeps calling the " T-Birds " the " T-Bones " lol . Thanks bensmybaby for your subject post .


131)This is one of the worst sequels ever made.
132)Hot british dudes are misfits.
133)Chewing gum incessantly is a form of rebellion.


I learned everything I know from "Grease 2".


I learned that Johnny never changed those black pants.
Balmundo is a rat faced fink.
According to delores the pink lady code stinks.
It doesn't take that long to become a expert at riding a motorcycle and jump great distances.
Pink jackets are official T-Bird property.

Stephanie doesn't want any ordinary guys come on strong with her.

Johnny thinks Michael has nice penmanship.
Johnny knows where they can find cool,scorable broads. Goose loves to emulate Johnny.
Paulette needs to put something on her body.


That cool rider ain't fooling no one on that pile of chrome & steel.
And the punk is gonna get it when they find out who he is!

* They don't know that we know they know we know!! *


The T-Birds are Ms. McGee's boys.
Having a ciggy will help make you feel better
Matches from the liquor store down the street don't strike very good.
It's okay to wear a short dress to the luau, but you weren't allowed to wear capri pants to school.
Hamlet went totally nuts when he caught his mom doing it with his uncle
It's okay for Paulette to mess around with mother nature because she messes around with everyone else
Paulette's always late so they have to start with winter and fall.
Sharon is going to die and she's wearing her mother's underwear

"My normal is when I'm with you."
Beauty and the Beast, Thursdays @ 9/8c on the CW!! #BATB


That a 17/18 year old boy who rides a motorcycle, sits and draws hearts in his binder


- Trampolines are positioned outside classroom windows.

- Chemistry students are brewing up concoctions and blowing up the lab within seconds of starting the school year.

- Once upon a time topping up your motorcycle gas tank cost 50 cents.

- It's appropriate for female teachers to prominently display their cleavage.

- As long as you can catch a ball once you're good enough to be on the basketball team.

- Being able to play the piano "a bit" means you can play perfectly, even though your hands don't match what's being played in the slightest.

- In order to win a talent show you should ignore the song you're supposed to sing and instead sing another, worse one.

- Alternatively you can simply assault your nearest rivals and steal their clothes.

- Teachers never find their most moronic students handing in perfect essays even remotely suspicious.

- If the most popular kids at school go bowling all the other kids have to go too.

- It's totally cool to make your little sister walk home late at night while you go and get pizza.

- If you want to get in with the cool kids at the bowling alley make sure to show up ultra fashionably late after 10pm.

I may be a tiny chimney-sweep but I've got an enormous brush.


Even though she just met you and has no idea who you are, or even your name, the most beautiful girl in school will make out with you, no questions asked.
