The Sheriff was right

He picked him up and dropped him off then Rambo watches and goes back into town. The sheriff is supposed to protect the town. Be honest not knowing who Rambo is would you want him in your town? Me neither. Now don't get me wrong it was way out of line for them to squirt him with a fire hose and hit him but the sheriff did the right thing in the beginning.

When you find yourself with the majority
It's time to stop and go with the minority.


rambo was pushed, i dont blame him for getting angry


Teasle had approximately five seconds to size him up before he became determined to run him out of town. Rambo was automatically on his bad side because he was the first person the sheriff couldn't greet by name that morning. He had no idea what Rambo was doing, whether he had any money or a car, he made a snap decision based on his looks, and that's wrong.

Vagrancy laws are not so loose that a police officer can arrest somebody for wearing old clothing (and Rambo was not exactly in rags) or simply walking through their town.

Teasle's hands were kind of tied as soon as Rambo broke out of the jail, but it never would have gotten that far if he didn't decide to go on a power trip and provoke Rambo. Teasle had every opportunity to deescalate the situation, but he just kept pouring gas on the fire.




~I see a little silhouette of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango.


What I've always wondered, is that what would happen if he made it to Portland? Would he have gotten the same treatment?


That's a good boy!
Kowtow to the man, regardless of whether his requests were a lawful order or not.


Why would I not want him in the town? He's just a guy walking. Big *beep* deal. The Sheriff was an *beep* *beep* him.


Are you a troll or just dumb?


Who are you, Original Poster, to presume what "everybody" would think, based on your own prejudices? John Rambo had a right to be in that town, because he was a American citizen, and especially because he was a veteran who defended the flag, the Constitution, including the rights of those cops. It wasn't even the sheriff's town. It was the people's. He was just abusing his power and hiding behind his badge to do it. And so were those other cops. Would I welcome him in the town? Hell yes, no matter who he was. He could stay as long as he wanted.


Teasle was not right. He was probably genuinely interested in the safety of his town but his overzealous approach was stupid and kept escalating an otherwise benign situation. All he had to do was drop him off at a diner, tell him not to stick around too long then keep an eye on him. If he makes any trouble then you haul him in. Being suspicious of strangers = smart. Open hostility and self righteously pushing non issues with strangers = not so much.

I'm genuinely convinced that every movie would be better with Arnold Schwarzenegger in it.
