32 year old man and still cry.

I don't know what it is, maybe how sad it gets in places, John Williams score, or these things combined with the nostalgic element from when I watched it as a child, but I will cry at least three times during this movie. I just can't help it. I start laughing at myself because of it and will rarely watch t with anyone else in case of embarrassment.

Anyone else like this?


E.T. still moves me too. In fact, even more so now as an adult, than as a child.

The flying across the moon scene was magical when I first saw it; now it's like a religious experience.

I guess the older we get, we truly appreciate the beauty of certain films.

"A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference." Eeyore


Hear hear fellas, right there with you. I'm 30, 1 of my favourite past times is watching films with my 8 year old son, and whenever we watch an old favourite of mine from my child hood, it gets me more now than it did then. Alot of more recent films get me easier these days too. I was an absolute mess during The Good Dinosaur. Haha.


37 and water works since I was a kid .


There are several videos on Youtube showing small children crying while watching E.T. Watch at your own peril as they are sooooo sad.

"A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference." Eeyore


This is a movie that makes me sob and I'm 25.

Slipknot and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fan


53 and a teary mess in the end, every single time I watch It.


I’m 45 and always an emotional wreck watching this film, tears streaming etc.

ET is and always will be my favourite film ever, I consider it a true masterpiece. I’m looking forward to watching it with my little girl when she’s a bit older.


I'm 51 and saw it in the cinema when I was 17. Bawled then, and bawl now. In fact I think I'm getting worse ;)


41 year old man here with 6 year old Daughter. I remember bawling my eyes out as a 6 year old kid myself watching this movie, but haven't seen it since.

I'm really not sure about introducing my Daughter to it to tell you the truth. I almost feel bad cause I know she will cry, and I don't want to see her cry:( Now I wanna cry thinking about her crying.

Damn you E.T.!


Yes, I'm 32 as well and I cry at this, especially the final goodbye between ET and Eliott.

It's weird, I never used to cry at this or any other films when I was a kid. But these days I have no hesitation. This, Mary Poppins, even the ending of Apollo 13, and don't get me started on Pixar films!


i still shed a tear at it too,for many reasons,without the score i doubt it still has the same effect though.....meanwhile,i'm 6'5' and 230 and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's child catcher still gives me a shiver.


Watched it for the first time in about 10 years as a 39 year old and cried three times, you can probably guess the scenes! Somehow, Elliot and his special friend, and all they go through, connects with me on a way I can't explain.

Spielberg did everything right in this film, not too much on anything, not too little.

What a brief but amazing adventure...
