MovieChat Forums > Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid (1982) Discussion > One of the funniest film scenes in histo...

One of the funniest film scenes in history!!!!

Steve Martin preparing his famous jarva and taking hours to pour the powder it into the bowl! I couldn't stop laughing and had to watch it again and again. His facial expression, his movement- so perfect. For me definetly one of the funniest film scenes ever!


The funniest part for me was when he cracked the eggs into the pan. Ok, so he's making a stupidly strong cup of Java, but then he cracks eggs into it? WTF?!



Eggshells in coffee wasn't an unusual practice, though. Though very, very dated.


"Can I use her underwear to make soup?"

Rebuild the WTC exactly as before and keep old movies accurate!


And of course even back in ye olde days the eggshells were supposed to have been emptied of eggs before they went into the coffee pot...


I can't believe no one mentioned the part where he dresses up and kisses Fred MacMurray. Even the setup was hilarious, but maybe it was funnier having seen Double Indemnity before and sort of knowing what was in store. But yeah, I laughed hard.

The bit with the two secretaries was funny also (the credits list the unfortunate one as "duty secretary").


The brilliance of the whole movie is illustrated in one quick cut during the java scene. While Rigby's pouring it into the pan and taking forever, a quick cut to Swede shows him giving a glance towards the kitchen with sort of a "WTF?" look on his face. I can't imagine how they were able to spot one quick cut from "The Killers" and then work it into the scene they were shooting so effectively. Genius!


This movie has so many great lines and gags, its hard to remember them all! The coffee scene was GREAT! "But it's all wet and steamy" lol
One of my other faves was the scene when he says "We went to my room and showed her what I could do with my hands" jump to Steve Martin doing shadow puppets HAHAHA
Number three: "I remember Phyllis and her coffee and sandwiches. She'd buy day old bread and toast it to cover it up." I don't know why I found this so hysterical but I guess it had to do with Steve Martins delivery. Classic movie!


I love the whole movie, but the funniest scene for me is the Bette Davis scene. The whole thing about the sandwiches, toasting the stale bread, etc.


The whole Carlotta scene was hilarious to me. Sweaty Charles Laughton, Vincent Price, the Mardi Gras... and then topped off with Carlos and his obsession with the "payamas."





Carlos: I lost the pajamas!
Rigby: Forget the pajamas!
After Carlos is shot: Don't worry my wife will suck the bullet out! And Ill take care of your pajamas!


Not puh-JAM-uhs! Puh-YAM-uhs! Get it right!


...fell out of bedroom window reaching for a bottle of whisky."

"He might have been pushed. I'll have Marlowe check his back for fingerprints."


As I remember it:

With her I had the most honest relationship I ever had. The only thing I lied about was my name... I told her it was Teddy Novak.. in case I got her pregnant , so she couldn't track me down


Pretty funny.
