Alexei Sayle

Did you enjoy his appearances on the show or were you not that into them.

For me personally, I felt he was a bit unnecessary.


I really liked his appearances on the show and found them really funny. Although he was separate from the four main characters on the show he was a big part of the alternate comedy scene with Rik, Ade and Nigel. I've got a feeling though that you need to be into his style of humour which can be quite aggressive and in your face most of the time. I would certainly agree that his style is not for everyone.

Did you like Alexei Sayle outside of TYO? i.e. in The Alexei Sayle Show?




I can only take a minute at the most of him. He gives me the impression he finds himself funnier than his audience does.

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.


Alexei rules! I love his appearances on the show, even when it is anticlimactic.


Love Alexei!

He is my favorite of the gang and always steals the show with his monologues.
"Every dictator is line of bisquits"



I loved his appearances in the show. I think he added another level.


(Scene is backstage while Alexei is doing a monologue)

Adrian : I hate him.
Nigel : He drinks like a fish.
Rik : Well....he's got no talent.
Christopher : Alexei who?

I enjoyed Alexei's performances on The Young Ones. I was thinking....where have I seen or heard of him before?

That was...until he uttered the line "'Ere....didn't you kill my brother"? 

Joker's Wilde

Anyone here like the Human League?


It's actually
"He's got no class"
Unless I'm remembering wrong


Some of his appearances I found really funny,as the Balowskis and especially the passive/aggressive drunken guest at the party who collars Neil.The bit where he was doing a stand up act as Mussolini I'm not so keen on.


You can put me into the 'not that into him' category. I liked the gag of him appearing as different members of the Balowsky family, but his acting always struck me as the worst of reaction-seeking ad-libbing. You want to see GOOD ad-libbing? Watch Robin Williams on 'Whose Line Is It, Anyway?'

Sayle always seemed to me to be trying desperately to be outrageous and random, which came across as being artificial. The one moment of his that I do enjoy is him portraying Mussolini for the Eurosong competition, singing 'Stupid Noises.'

- You may have come on no bicycle, but that does not say that you know everything.


No, I thought he interrupted the flow and jarred against the tone of the show. I have enjoyed some of his other work (especially the washed up comedian Bobby Chariot - "livin' in me caaaaar, on tablets for me naaaaiiirves...") and he's an interesting guy in interviews and documentaries, but a lot of his comedy consists of "wear my political knowledge on my sleeve" and, especially in The Young Ones, hasn't stood the test of time.
