One good laugh

This TV movie was lousy. However, like a lot of bad comedies, it had one good laugh that was stolen from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Remember when the lit cigarette lands in the pants cuff of Christopher Lloyd and he freaks out? Everyone in the group therapy session thinks he's throwing a fit, but in reality he's reacting to being burned. The same type of gag appears in Munster's revenge with an wasp's sting replacing the cigarette. It was the ONLY funny thing in the movie.

There is no "off" position on the genius switch.


That part was freaking terrible and went on way too long. I would say one of the only funny parts were the black guy calling Herman a honky.


I thought it was better than Munster go home


The only good Munster movie so far as been The Munsters Scary Little Christmas. However I'm sure the RZ version will be great
