MovieChat Forums > Mad Max 2 (1982) Discussion > Wez's Boyfriend with the boomerang stuck...

Wez's Boyfriend with the boomerang stuck in his head

The blonde gay guy must have kinda looked forward to death. Imagine having Wez come home each night looking to pound your fanny! Must have been worse on days where Wez had had a bad day to begin with. You're the blonde guy, you've swept up the tent, you've cooked up some nice stuffed rats for dinner because you know thats what he likes. Not knowing of course that The Humungous has been hard on your man all day, stressing him out with menial tasks and YET AGAIN holding him back from attacking the refinery. Its just one sleeper hold after another.

You're the blonde guy and you want to make Wez happy so you've spent all day working your fingers to the bone and you hear the motorcycle coming and your heart jumps! HE'S HOME! The flap of the tent flies open and Wez does not even notice all your hard work. He's is a bad mood. Again. Its going to be a long and painful night. But you're OK with that because you're in love. You know he's gonna treat you harshly. Your friends all told you this was going to happen, but you thought you could change him. He's a good person deep down you said. He's a good person……...


Quality post, this was way too funny for IMDB.

"Must have been worse on days where Wez had had a bad day to begin with."'s the post-apocalyptic wasteland, and there aren't too many chicks around, mostly just dudes in leather chaps, and your lucky if you can score a can of dinki-dog for dinner even if you could find a girl to take out on a date. So life sucks to begin with, but on top of that your boss is the Humungus. Not just any fellow named Humungus, mind you, this is the Lord Humungus, who happens to be the warrior of the wasteland. And let's add some salt to that wound shall we? Your already bright future consists of a promising career of working your way up through the ranks of the Gayboy Berserkers. What, not your cup of tea? Well not to worry my friend, there's always room for a few good men in the Smegma Crazies. Just think about that for a minute (especially those of you who hate your pre-apocalyptic jobs) as I could stop right now having left you with that. Don't forget too that the Humungus also happens to be the Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla. Not likely anyone really understands what means, but since this is the Humungus we're talking about it can't be good. Given that context, are there really any good days for poor Wez? Your boss has a big-ass PA system mounted on his car so forget about getting any sleep at night. Piss him off? Yes, even if you are mighty Wez it's the dog leash once again for you, followed by another sleeper hold and God knows what else after that. I bet the blond kid thanks the gods of the wasteland that it's Wez he is stuck instead of the Humungus, that is not a hockey mask you want to see entering your tent every night with dog leash in hand.


Then again, who's to say that "Blondie" didn't like it rough?

"There will be blood. Oh, yes, there WILL be blood."-Jigsaw; "Saw II"


Who says that, in the privacy of their tent, it was Blondie who was the "taker"??

No, Schmuck! You are only entitled to your INFORMED opinion!!
-- Harlan Ellison



Awesome post my Friend! You and I need to get together for a beer somewhere and god help the rest of the world cause we're taking over! LOL!


LOL! 

"There will be blood. Oh, yes, there WILL be blood."-Jigsaw; "Saw II"


Amen brother!


blonde butt boy actually died a virgin...Wez was impotent...

The LeftistConservative blogging on Blogspot!


Thats just sad. Plain old SAD.


FDT, best thread on this board. Absolutely hilarious!


I damn near choked laughing


In fairness to Wez, he did seem to like taking his boywife out and showing him off, and what wife doesn't love that? That may be a mixed blessing of course, after being toted around on your husband's less than soft pillion seat all day your posterior might be less than happy being toted around on his dong all night, especially with sand in f#cking everything like there's bound to be in that place.

...then whoa, differences...


I had never considered the sand! Adds a whole new element to what Blondie had to deal with!


Brother! Let us continue writing the chronicles of the Wasteland.

