MovieChat Forums > Mad Max 2 (1982) Discussion > Wez's Boyfriend with the boomerang stuck...

Wez's Boyfriend with the boomerang stuck in his head

The blonde gay guy must have kinda looked forward to death. Imagine having Wez come home each night looking to pound your fanny! Must have been worse on days where Wez had had a bad day to begin with. You're the blonde guy, you've swept up the tent, you've cooked up some nice stuffed rats for dinner because you know thats what he likes. Not knowing of course that The Humungous has been hard on your man all day, stressing him out with menial tasks and YET AGAIN holding him back from attacking the refinery. Its just one sleeper hold after another.

You're the blonde guy and you want to make Wez happy so you've spent all day working your fingers to the bone and you hear the motorcycle coming and your heart jumps! HE'S HOME! The flap of the tent flies open and Wez does not even notice all your hard work. He's is a bad mood. Again. Its going to be a long and painful night. But you're OK with that because you're in love. You know he's gonna treat you harshly. Your friends all told you this was going to happen, but you thought you could change him. He's a good person deep down you said. He's a good person……...


it doesn't matter if your gay or straight - marriage is the same.

Reality is a nice place to visit, but i wouldn't want to live there



I thought jesus forgives? Can't a gay man have all the gay sex he wants and then recant and confess on his death bed and get into heaven?



Please do. I don't believe in your fairy tale land or your invisible man in the sky either, but if I did I wouldn't want to go there anyway. Give me hell and Satan ANYDAY!



"Multitudes of demons who fly around and sodomize your buttocks until your rectum gets turned inside out. "

Ever hear the saying "Me thinks thou doth protest too much"? I think it may apply to you.

When did you start having homo erotic fantasy's? Are you ashamed of your desires? Maybe your just bi-curious? Is that why you 'hate' gay people so much? Because your afraid of your own wants and needs?



Let he who is without sin throw the first boomerang.

Thit and thpin!


Your lord and savior never said a word about homosexuality. Also, I don't think he'd appreciate you putting words in his mouth and deciding who and who doesn't get to enter his kingdom. Silly girl.

This is Dorsia?



Leviticus also has stringent rules for how to cut your hair and beard. You can't wear clothes made from more than one type of material. No tattoos. Not to mention all the Kosher food laws like no pig, shellfish or various types of bird. None of which your average Christian or person follows. Gimme a break.

Deuteronomy says you should stone your disobedient son to death. I guess that's ok because the Bible said so. Right?



Apparently you've written your own version of the bible. Good luck with that...

Also, I guess in your version of the bible, you God approves of your love for bikini-clad chicks.

This is Dorsia?



I like you. You're silly :)

This is Dorsia?


not silly, just a troll. stop feeding him



He did make me laugh before they deleted all of his posts!


LOL! Thanks a lot for sharing with us that amazing golden boy's point of view


Lol! You're welcome!


That was freakin hilarious before it degenerated into the typical religious/political BS argument.
And if you disagree with me, you sir, are worse than Hitler.


I disagree with you.

Actually, I don't... I just wanted to be worse than Hitler for a little bit, but it didn't make me feel nice so I got over it.



I love how completely and utterly defeated he looks even at the beginning of the movie. Wez is involve in a high speed chase, gets shot with an arrow, screams in anger, and the guy's just sitting on back of the bike like some doped up mental patient.

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Not knowing of course that The Humungous has been hard on your man all day, stressing him out with menial tasks and YET AGAIN holding him back from attacking the refinery. Its just one sleeper hold after another.

The liberal ideology despises self reliance, all you need is the government.


Why do you assume Wez had a big one? When I watch the movie I always think Wez was cursed with micro-phallus, making his terribly angry all the time.


I always assumed his anger was due to a low fiber diet. Gotta be tough getting grains and greens in a post apocalyptic desert region.


The more I think about it, the more I realize that Wez and his boyfriend were probably the first gay couple I ever saw in a film -- it's unfortunate that the guy got a boomerazor to the head; he was kind of cute. On that note, can you imagine getting *beep* by Wez? Getting your prostate examined with a jackhammer is probably a more gentle and sensual experience.


I remember hating that boomberang kid. I was like geez dumbass, all you did was simultaneously kill the least threatening member of that gang while also managing to piss of the off the most violent psychopath of group who now has an unrestrained bloodlust to kill every one of your people now. Nice going there champ!


I always kind of considered it a mercy killing!


The consequence of sin is death... thy holy boomerang shall purge the unclean.


Arn't we all sinners? There's a boomerang out there for each of us! LOL!


Indeed, that's why there is repentance.

What's with all the deleted comments, is someone ranting in here? lol


Actually all the deleted comments were from an overly zealous religious guy spouting off homophobic stuff that the powers that be found distasteful. He was a little long winded, but he was amusing nonetheless!


I remember hating that boomberang kid. I was like geez dumbass, all you did was simultaneously kill the least threatening member of that gang while also managing to piss of the off the most violent psychopath of group

to be fair, he was aiming at Wez. if he hadn't ducked, He would have been a head shorter.

Gimli: Youll find more cheer in a graveyard.


Ha! Probably would have just bounced of Wez's stone head or made a horrible hollow thud like kicking an empty 55 gallon drum!


oddly enough, the feral kid is one of very few kids in movies that i never found utterly annoying. he wasn't presented as some precocious, rosy-cheeked sweetheart with no guile and a big heart... he was a savage little badass with a big heart, which is really miles better. there could probably have been two films about him alone, one of his adventures prior to meeting the man called max, and the other chronicling his rise to the leadership of the great northern tribe.

"Cinema was made for fantasy, rather than normal types of stories." - Ray Harryhausen


Ya I would love to see a story about how he became the leader of TGNT. With all the crap Hollywood cranks out and remakes, you'd think someone would have done this already.




the voice of experience? :) (jk)


Best thread in this forum (also, hilarious).


Thanks Man! It has drawn some interesting responses. Some of the funniest have been unfortunately deleted.


What about Humungus? Was he a humunusexual?
