MovieChat Forums > Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains Discussion > sorry to any fans, but i thought this wa...

sorry to any fans, but i thought this was terrible!

it was 1:30 am when i started watching on tcm, so maybe i missed a few things. but this was really pretty bad.

the overall acting actually was ok, but the story was just plain stupid.

three girls run away from home and somehow are invited to join a bus of two traveling bands. i cant remember why just sort of happens. they perform once and basically become an overnight sensation, and pretty soon theyre headlining the shows while the bigger band they were traveling with becomes their opener. ok, fine, but here are some things i didnt understand:

1. ok, diane lane, i love you, but you cant really sing. i, as a viewer, am supposed to believe that this music gained hundreds of fans instantaniously? i cringed at her first show. sure she was supposed to be bad (her audience in the room thought so too), but then just because she speaks her mind, all the young women relize how right she is, and decide to follow her loyally? once they start performing more as a group the music sounds a little better, but its still bad. i wasnt a teenager in the 1980's but i dont know anyone who was that would listen to music that awful.

2. and then right after he confesses this secret, she procedes to drop her towel and head to the shower. within a few seconds he joins her. i have numerous problems with this. first, he would have had to completely undress in about 4 seconds for that scene to be plausible. also, she hated him less than half an hour ago, and now shes totally fine with showering together? and maybe i missed something here, but isnt her motto "dont put out" or something. am i misundrstanding the meaning of that phrase? and lastly, this isnt confusing to me, but how old is he supposed to be? shes supposed to be 15 in the movie (and i thought she was even younger in real life), and he looks like hes in his late 20s. whatever the ages, shes a minor and he isnt, correct? why is this scene in this movie?

3. what was with the newscasters? the woman who kept going to the concerts to interview the band or the fans asked such cheesy questions. and the man seemed like a jerk. it was like the two of them disagreed on what the group was really about and what it was doing for its fans, and they were secretly arguing about it on tv. the scenes with them were badly acted and written, and seemed awkward. and why were there so many reports on this small non-famous group anyway?

4. what was the point of corrine going in to the newsroom towards the end? i didnt understand that scene. she wasnt really being interviewed, she was brought there to watch footage of herself, and basically was humiliated on tv.

5. right before their biggest concert up to that point, they have the looters open for them. the audience wants the stains though, so they just keep chanting that over and over. but if you looked at the audience a lot of them were just danciong to the music and only a few were chanting. sometimes it was just a bunch of people flipping the band off. other times you could hear chants but the audio didnt match the people. it was just weird. and i didnt understand the chanting either...the looters were just opening, like at any other concert. the stains would come eventually, there was no reason to be rude about it.

6. THIS IS THE WORST SCENE!!! right after the looters finish their opening for the stains they tell the die hard skunk fans that theyre all fools for being such big followers of the stains. the lead singer tells them that all they are doing is making the band lots of money, and that corrine is a fake. quickly the chants die down and a silence falls over the crowd. the stains then come on stage, they are met with no applause, and then with loud boos. then the crowd gets angry and starts throwing things that absolutely no one would have at a punk rock concert (where were people getting streamers? and what hit diane lanes face, a ball of ink?). umm....HUH? so hundreds of extremely loyal fans who went out of their way to dress special and cut and dye their hair to be like the stains, turned on their favorite band in mere seconds, all because some guy from a band they dont know and dont like told them something that any idiot could have figured out before? that makes no sense. not EVERYONE would turn on the band, and lots of the fans turned really violent too. and fans who were into the band enough to dress and look like them would need better convincing from someone more important and relevant for them all to hate the stains right away. i actually laughed at how stupid this scene was.

7. and after the band has died down and lost their fame, the looters guy invites corrine back on the bus to continue traveling with him. didnt he just ruin her career? whether she deserved it or not, why would she agree to that, and really, why would he ask her?

8. and then, after the bus leaves and corrine stands alone on the street, she sees girls dressed like her again and heres her songs being played. first of all, when did the stains ever record anything? but more importantly, how does that happen? first the fans bizzarly turn on them, and as if that already didnt make much sense, they start liking them again a day or two later. why?

so to recap, i dont really get why this band would have any fans in the first place, but they do, so thats that i guess. then, i dont understand why those fans would immeadiately stop liking them. and then, i dont see how liking them again after that makes sense either.

and the biggest mystery of all to me, is why i watched this on Turner Classic Movies.....this movie fits no definition of "classic" that i know of. it was made in the 80s, and it isnt a great "classic" movie, so why is it being shown on tcm?





No offense, but you just don't get it.
