What a Disappointment

This movie is probably the most over-hyped piece of s**t ever.

I list IMO the problems with this movie:

- Terrible plot... I still never figured out why Karen went to the middle of NO WHERE to get over her problems... and stayed after she knew everyone was crazy.

- Talking Werewolf... really? Is this were Teen Wolf got it's inspiration?

- Porno gone wrong, any one else notice this probably was suppose to just be a porno?

- Polish a turd it's still a turd. Most B Movies admit they're stupid or funny by labeling themselves "Cult Classics" or something to that matter. The Howling has a A Movie persona even though it's a flaming pile of werewolf *beep*

All in all, I'm going to stick with the better Werewolf movies... and Yes I rank Teenwolf above this.


You're wrong.



"The Howling" scared the socks off of me when I saw it in 1982! But then, I was 7 lol.
But even then, I thought the werewolf transformations were superb.
They are STILL the best I've ever seen.

Watching this film again as an adult, I was rather surprised by how much it seemed cheesy.
The first 30 minutes are still chilling, the scene when Terry encounters Eddie still bothers me a LOT...and the ending always makes me crawly (when Karen gets attacked in the car eeeek!).
But it does seem a bit dated.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


You liked Alone in the Dark. Your argument is invalid.

I Am Who I Am.
Your approval isn't required.



He thinks cursed an paris are better then THE HOWLING that is absolutely hilarious.


Why are you even questioning peoples OPINION when you know OPINIONS vary and then offer your own OPINION as the law? All you can do is like or not and if you;re in the minority (as you are here) then accept it rather than fight it. It's no big deal. I don't see the fuss about The Godfather but I'm not going to argue that everyone who rates it highly are wrong. I'm just gonna accept I'm in the minority.

FYI, The Howling is the greatest werewolf film for me.


read this thinking you were crazy, you made some valid points, but then said teenwolf was better...

the howling is one of the best werewolf movies ever... and top 50 horror ever.. period

scary freakin movie... first half-hour as scary as anything out there


I love "The Howling" because of the fact that it's a cool story and it presents the werewolf much closer to the actual legend than what is commonly told today. The whole full moon thing was completely made up by Curt Siodmak, who wrote the original 1941 "Wolfman". The acting was very good in my opinion and the movie had some of the best special effects ever as well. The film also had a spooky atmosphere to it and I just fell in love with the movie the first time I saw it. Granted the idea of going out in the middle of no where to solve your problems does sound farfetched but for these type of stories you have to allow some suspension of disbelief. After all, "Teenwolf" was not exactly the most believable film either but that still turned out pretty good.


Man, you're way off. If the horror is too much for you, I recommend going back to watching a trendy-gay flick like The Avengers.


Well, I personally loved every moment of it. It is probably my favorite werewolf movie that I've seen. It has an intriguing story that kept me interested all the way through, interesting characters, a fantastic ending that I didn't see coming when I first watched the film, great acting, a good atmosphere. Everything about it seemed to be just right and I don't see why people on here seem to dislike it.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!

