Are you all insane???

4.6????? How can anyone give this anything higher than a 1?

Dreadful acting, a complete rip off of Alien, awful direction, probably the worst music in a movie since film began, special effects that look like they have been done on an episode of Blue Peter (egg boxes and sticky back plastic anyone?)
And most of all, Dull, dull, dull...How people can slate and bitch about the likes of One Missed Call, Hollow Man, Pulse, Event Horizon, Alien Vs Predator, Prom Night, When A Stranger calls and similar box office fare and then praise this pile of steaming tripe is beyond even thinking about.

I've seen episodes of the original Star Trek series made over 20 years earlier that look more professional than this.

-50/10 Diabolical film

"Hasta la vista, baby."


I have to say I agree with everyone else other than Phantasmda... {no offense meant}... cause 'haters' gonna hate'. I'm actually only reading everyone else's comments, Phantasmda is only reiterating his hatred of the movie in all his posts {I get you don't like the movie I'd rather read about what positive things other noticed about it sorry}. I totally agree that taken in the context of the time the movie was made, the miniscule budget it had compared to blockbusters of today it was a milestone in Sci-fi horror genre that is a touchstone for latter advances in filmography. I will also not call GoT a 'good' movie but for its time and budget it was indeed deserving of some regard for it bold attempt and great atmosphere!


I keep reading posts that refer to this movie as an "Alien ripoff". I don't understand that; alien was a real creature, where in GOT the "creatures" were manifestations of what the people were most fearful of. If GOT takes after any other movie, there are some out there, and "Forbidden Planet" comes to mind first.

Poyzunus 1


Exactly! This movie was a milestone for its time, and though elements of the Alien movie were evident.. it can by no means be called a total 'rip-off'! What it lacked in budget... it certainly made up for in atmosphere! And yeah... Taaffe O'Connell was a real hottie! I wish her career as an actress could have been more fullfilling as opposed to always being known as the "worm-rape girl." :(


The original poster has no appreciation for B grade Sci/horror and that is a shame.

