Are you all insane???

4.6????? How can anyone give this anything higher than a 1?

Dreadful acting, a complete rip off of Alien, awful direction, probably the worst music in a movie since film began, special effects that look like they have been done on an episode of Blue Peter (egg boxes and sticky back plastic anyone?)
And most of all, Dull, dull, dull...How people can slate and bitch about the likes of One Missed Call, Hollow Man, Pulse, Event Horizon, Alien Vs Predator, Prom Night, When A Stranger calls and similar box office fare and then praise this pile of steaming tripe is beyond even thinking about.

I've seen episodes of the original Star Trek series made over 20 years earlier that look more professional than this.

-50/10 Diabolical film

"Hasta la vista, baby."



Only seen the Xtro movies out of that lot and while I didn't think the first one was too bad I totally agree on the other 2 they were beyond pants!

I've seen write up for Insemnoid and I really do want to see it just to see if it really is THAT bad lol

Creature, I've only seen the poster which looks really cool but then, as the old cliche goes, never judge a book by it's cover :-)

Forbidden World must be bad if it recycles scenes from Galaxy of Terror which I personally thought was horrendous so I'll deffo be avoiding that one and Nightflyers, never heard of it but it sounds ridiculous.

While G.O.T is far from the worst film I've ever seen it's still really bad. I think three worse movies that spring to mind are Troll 2 - How funding for that was ever granted is beyond me, it has to be the worst movie sequel ever!

Metamorphosis The Alien Factor that was originally planned as a sequel to The Deadly Spawn but then scrapped is another really relly bad movie (and it had a budget of £3m WHAT???? Looks more like 3pence it's THAT bad. It's 3 star rating on here is ludicrous.

But definately THE WORST movie I have ever sat through has to be Galaxy of the Dinosaurs, OMG, it just has to be viewed to understand just how bad this film really is :-)

"Hasta la vista, baby."



Yeah, but what other film has a beautiful blonde with a perfect body getting stripped, slimed and raped by a space slug?

That scene alone should carry it towards an 8, LOL!




Dude, you just made me wanna go out and buy the DVD. Local library doesn't carry it - wonder why?



Forbidden World used some leftover sets and costumes from Galaxy of Terror but did not "recycle scenes", maybe you should actually watch a movie before you start dishing out on it next time based on what others may have said or written.

The capacity to appreciate a good, trashy B movie is also either built in naturally or acquired over many years of careful study. We love it because it's awful, and awful in a way that is sublime. If you don't get it then you don't get it, no need to make an ass out of yourself in public like this.




Once I start watching a movie, I feel that I owe it to the makers to at least see the film through before being allowed to have a proper viewpoint. I just felt that in this case, no effort had been put into making this film whatsoever, hence the same level of respect wasn't shown to the viewer. That is why I posted my comment, you see now?

"Hasta la vista, baby."



Why does everyone seem to think the maggot scene is cool? It sucked! It was a big rubber slab on a stick being pushed over a womans body covered in KY jelly. The camera angles prevent you from seeing anything worth while as far as cheap porn goes and you'd do better for cheap thrills with an episode of the red shoe diaries.

What Captain Spalding was doing in this beggers belief.

"Hasta la vista, baby."


captain spaulding aka sid haig made his bread and butter working on schlocky z-grade *beep* know what you're talking about before opening your mouth, thanks.

"It's better not to know so much about what things mean." David Lynch


Wow! I am sorry, didn't realise such a comment would be so hurtful, maybe you should get out more, just a thought.

"Hasta la vista, baby."


I don't think you're capable of grasping just how much effort was probably put into the production of this film. While it is clearly an Alien ripoff and the script isn't exactly inspiring, I think the atmosphere created by the set and special effects were tremendous. Atmosphere is a integral part of any sci-fi movie, and if you weren't satisfied with what was delivered on a $700,000 budget,(For comparison, the budgets of Alien and The Terminator were @ $11,000,000 and $7,000,000 respectively, with all three films being made within five years of each other.) you should probably steer clear of any low budget film requiring any semblance of the suspension of disbelief. You have to see this movie for what is which is an 80's sci-fi gore movie produced by Roger Corman.


'Dreadful acting, a complete rip off of Alien.'

James Cameron, who worked on the movie's special effects, pretty much summed it up like that but in a more conservative way in the second disc of 'aliens'.

What you see is not necessarily what you get,
Not trying is dying, keep trying unto death....


Oh geez...

Yet another Starship Troopers fan born after 1990 who'd rather watch slickedy 90210 characters fight computer generated monsters, and can't place movies from a time when filmmakers didn't have millions after millions after millions dollars to make the film, or existing concepts to base it on, or a computer that poo yet another bug.

I wouldn't go as far as to call Galaxy Of Terror a good movie but, but if come on...

AVP? Hollow Man? Those are good movies? And wasn't One Missed Called copied from a (probably equally underfunded) Japanese movie? And who in their right mind can say that the basic idea behind Event Horizon wasn't inspired by Galaxy Of Terror?

Comparing a low budget B-flick from '81 to a half computer generated blockbuster from this decenium is preposterous. It's when you put things into perspective that you can appreciate a movie like Galaxy Of Terror.


'Yet another Starship Troopers fan born after 1990 who'd rather watch slickedy 90210 characters fight computer generated monsters, and can't place movies from a time when filmmakers didn't have millions after millions after millions dollars to make the film, or existing concepts to base it on, or a computer that poo yet another bug.'

God I love how planks like you categorise people because of thier dislike of crap movies.

The Evil Dead, The deadly Spawn, Killer Klowns from outer space, Halloween, Just before dawn, It's Alive, The Beastmaster, Scanners...Need I go on?

I happen to be 32 years old and the early to mid 80's was my era as far as movies are concerned.
All of the movies I have mentioned above are cheap, low budget horror/sci-fi movies from around the same time frame as Galaxy of Terror, with only one difference...The people who made them actually gave a *beep* about the people who would eventually get to watch thier movies.
Galaxy of Terror has been made with little or no thought to the poor people who would be put through this tripe, the story, acting, special effects, music, camera work, everything, is rushed to make a quick dollar from a bit of inventive marketing. It has no entertainment value whotsoever.

Probably all or most of the movies i mentioned above will have had similar budgets.

So think on next time you start ranting on about how I'm a silly child born after 1990 who likes nothing more than beverly hills 90210 actors and campy CGI.

If you disagree with what i say then fine, say so, but don't pretend you know who I am and what I know.

"Hasta la vista, baby."


Fair enough.

90210-kids... there are a lot of those on the message boards and they tend to bash older movies because of their lack of CGI and brainless pace. They come up with the most ininspired ideas, and I honestly thought, based on you comperasons that you were one of them, but it seems I jumped to that conclusion too quicly and that we're dealing with a genuine difference of opinion here. I'd also like to say that I didn't intend to call anyone names. I was mere trying to illustrate the perception that some people have on movies (appearantly wrongfully accusing you of it) so, sorry if I offended you.

As far as the discussion goes... Again, I will not go as far as to say GOT was a good movie, but I think that if you have the financial means and all the reasources that filmmakers have today and you come up with a movie that is in any way comparable (if not worse), like Alien vs Predator (-'says the huge Alien fan), THEN we're talking a BAD movie. I'll agree that many of the things in GOT were portraited with little inspiration, but the pevital elements of the script were pretty clever written for a film that indeed stood at the dawn of films of it's kind, which gave us loads of crap indeed, not to mention that they probably had about $12 to make the movie, so to say. I also agree with ccr1633 when he says that it had more cojones then the avarage horrorflick in those days. Not that the same approach would've have worked for other movies like let's say Alien (which according to some implies that Lambert gets tailraped by the alien), but in my opinion it did for GOT. So in that sense it is indeed a piece of 'antique'. As you stated, I don't know about other people, but I know that I can, taking rubber limbs and puppetwires into consideration, appreciate a movie of GOT's caliber if placed in the right perspective.



"4.6????? How can anyone give this anything higher than a 1?"

It's a bad movie by all normal measures, but it has historic value for people of a certain age group (i.e. mine) who grew up during the blossoming of sci-fi films (Alien) and slasher movies (Halloween), and all the trash that followed. I now find it interesting to view again films like Galaxy of Terror, Maniac, The Exterminator, and other recognized pieces of refuse because I find it amusing to see how filmmakers tried to capitalize on genre trends in the most exploitative way possible. I took this sleazoid style for granted back when I saw these films as a kid, as if it were par for the course for filmmakers of the day. Little did I realize how shocking some of this junk really was. Some of this stuff makes "Hostel" seem tame by comparison, and for that reason alone -- the sheer magnitude of the audacity of this trash -- I find these films entertaining. Like it or not, they are in their own way an essential part of film history. Back in the late 70s and early 80s there was much more of an anything goes mentality that I appreciate. Are there any trashy movies even half as good as Re-Animator being made these days, which exhibit the same degree of novelty? Where are they? Say what you will about Galaxy of Terror, but the fact that they even *conceived* a worm rape scene is insane and ridiculous, and should in my opinion be cherished as a historical artifact!


Touche' Someone with a disagreement but in a constructive way instead of bursting in and namecalling. :-)

I do see your point i suppose, i just thought there were tons of far superior movies that were similar in budget and material to this from around the same time.
The (uncut) rape scene in the evil dead was far more shocking than a lump of rubber and a jar of KY jelly massaging some duff acress while the camera shakes uncontrollably. I agree on Re animator as well, cheap, campy, total lunacy but extremely enjoyable as was From Beyond.

I just got the feeling with G.O.T that i had been robbed of my money and my time after the credits rolled, even though i knew it was going to be cheap and trashy.

"Hasta la vista, baby."


phantasmda: When it comes down to it, I agree that this film is pretty lame. Like most lame ripoffs around this time, "Up From The Depths" and "Tentacles" come to mind, the coolest thing by far was the associated (and misleading) movie posters!

By the way, if your handle is a nod to "Phantasm," long one of my favorites, then I salute you! In fact, I'd say that "Phantasm" is everything that a cheapo Roger Corman horror movie wanted to be but never came close to being. Namely, something original and of lasting value beyond the nostalgic schlock factor.


Waheyy! Congrats, you're the first person to get my username, I have been asked quite a few times what phantasm is so it's nice to see someone actually give it the nod it deserves. Angus Scrimm as the tall man is brill.

"Hasta la vista, baby."


You play a good game, boy, but now the game is over. Now you die.


Come on, it was more than just a lump of plastic on a stick. There were two guys in there manipulating the tentacles... two very lucky guys.

And a gorgeous blue-eyed blonde with a stunning figure covered in KY Jelly is never JUST anything.

Please check your pulse.


This film is truly horrible. Horribly entertaining and funny.

It's one of those "so bad it's good" movies, like "The Swarm".

It deserves at least a 5 because while it is made like a piece of crap, in terms of entertainment it beats most movies that are made much better.

Come on. Tell me you didn't laugh out loud at Grace Zabriskie's reaction shots or Edward Albert's idea of "acting".


i rate Galaxy of Terror higher than alien.

Cultural Design


Not a great movie or anything but it's pretty damned enjoyable in a weird sort of way. I happen to own a huge poster of Galaxy of Terror... not because I'm a terribly big fan of the film but because the poster is so RAD! It's on my wall right in from of my pc. :)

C'mon, at least admit that the poster rules.


*****i rate Galaxy of Terror higher than alien*****

Oh come on, please, lol!!!

"Hasta la vista, baby."


Got to disagree. I think this is a pretty fun flick. Particularly taking into account it's low budget. It has an impressive cast, some cool set designs, and the maggot rape alone would elevate it above a 1.
It's an example of a film made at a certain era (late 70's- early 80's), when many B-movies just had a certain kind of charm to them that bid budget hollywood crap from now could never emulate, even if they tried. Or maybe it's just nostalgia on my part.
As I write this it has a rating of 4.9, and I gave it an 8. Yes, I'm probably insane.


I agree on most counts. I was on set for the entire filming of the movie. I was the one opening the "automatic" doors, I helped build all the sets and worked elbow to elbow with James Cameron on this shoot.

It was an awful movie to watch but it was so much FUN to work on! I have Sid Haiges costume and backpack to remind me of the fun I had on the New World Studios set in Venice Beach that year. Lots of props and parts of sets from "Battle beyond the Stars" all around plus we recycled on of the props from "Battle" into the set of "Galaxy"!

Many of the art department crew were used as extras on "battle". Working on "Galaxy" was one of the most rewarding and fun times I have ever had. The creativity of the art department and SFX departments were amazing.

When you watch it again, look at the sets. Fabricated from foam and old bomber parts and paint.
