MovieChat Forums > Endless Love (1981) Discussion > Was Brooke Shields the most beautiful ac...

Was Brooke Shields the most beautiful actress ever?

OK, the film is a poor representation of the very good novel but I think this film is worth watching for the sheer perfection and physical beauty of Brooke Shields at that time. It is very easy to believe that any male would fall madly in love with someone with such an exquisitely perfect face as she had then. In another thread someone described her as being so beautiful that her mother said she was a piece of Art and I agree.


I was so in love with Brooke shields at that time. I'm a stalker or anything like that. I remember seeing this movie that summer. Still a beautiful woman today.


Franco Zeffirelli always has beautiful images in his movies, so this is a perfect marriage between a director who uses lighting, camera angles, etc., to bring out the best in an image and an extremely beautiful actress. Shields does look just about perfect, and I wouldn't disagree with someone tossing around 'the most beautiful actress ever.'

This is not (imo) a very good movie at all, Shields doesn't have a lot of range, but she looks great. I wouldn't be surprised it Zeffirelli took on this otherwise unpromising job just to get the chance to capture Shields' beauty on film. If anyone was going to do justice to her beauty, it was him.


Yes, you can almost believe the extremes his ardour takes him to...

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I think when women see Brooke, they think "she's so beautiful" and as a male, I agree, but...she's boring beautiful, like a painting. I don't find her sexy, though. If I made a list of 100 women I'd like to sleep with, Brooke wouldn't be on it.


Seriously!!!!! There are just as many females that are just as beautiful if not more then her. Where have you been !!!! Get your Get your (blank) our of her (bank)


Yes and many of these beautiful teen girls and women are not famous and we didn't see every non famous teen girl and woman in every city,state and country.


indeed she was



There was Donna Mills,Jaclyn Smith,Morgan Fairchild etc


I think she is definitely one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.


She is definitely high up on the list of the most beautiful women in the world ever! But don't forget Grace Kelly she was exquisite too.
A young Elizabeth Taylor

But yeah Brooke was one of the most beautiful! I think Rachel Weiss comes close too, to her beauty. She managed to stay beautiful for a long time too.
<3Every great dream begins with a dreamer<3


Brooke is very beautiful, but I think some other actresses like Jayne Kennedy Overton, Bernadette Stanis and Janet Jackson were just as beautiful.


Janet Jackson is still beautiful,but she was much more before she ruined her nose by getting too many nose jobs and made her nose too small for her face like her brother Michael did.

