Favorite lines?

This has to be one of the most "quote-able" movies ever made. To this day I still use the "I'll alert the media" line` when someone at work, or a friend, tells me something rather trivial (yes, like going to the bathroom or going for a smoke).

Other favorites:
"I will ask you to Simonize my car!"
"Did you have a recent death in your family? This is funny stuff here!"
(Crazy laughter) "Sometimes I just think funny things!"
"Where's the rest of this moose?"
"Rhode Island could beat the crap out of it in a war. They recently had the whole country carpeted. This is not a big place."
"Do you have today's Pravda? I like to keep up with Russia."
"Good luck in prison."
"If you and your tee shirt could step back, I could enter this dwelling."

Well I gotta go now Duane.....I'm due back on the planet Earth


At the florist after meeting Linda, Arthur orders dozens of roses and then a plant he sees. Lou Jacobi, playing the Plant Store Owner, asks, "How many?" Arthur says, "Four!" The florist replies, "Where were you when I was selling cars?"

This film is just loaded with quotable one liners. Like many comedies, the film becomes less funny upon subsequent viewings, because you remember the big jokes. But it's hilarious the first time you see it.


Susan: "A real woman could stop you from drinking."

Arthur: "It'd have to be a real big woman."

"The best stuff happens when you just don't give a *beep* Conan O'Brien


My God, so many. Favorite favorite, though, has gotta be: "Do you HATE Perry's wife?"


Where's my roll?
We're having it monogrammed.

Good stuff


"Sometimes I just think funny things!"

"I wish I had a dime for every dime I have."
