Favorite lines?

This has to be one of the most "quote-able" movies ever made. To this day I still use the "I'll alert the media" line` when someone at work, or a friend, tells me something rather trivial (yes, like going to the bathroom or going for a smoke).

Other favorites:
"I will ask you to Simonize my car!"
"Did you have a recent death in your family? This is funny stuff here!"
(Crazy laughter) "Sometimes I just think funny things!"
"Where's the rest of this moose?"
"Rhode Island could beat the crap out of it in a war. They recently had the whole country carpeted. This is not a big place."
"Do you have today's Pravda? I like to keep up with Russia."
"Good luck in prison."
"If you and your tee shirt could step back, I could enter this dwelling."

Well I gotta go now Duane.....I'm due back on the planet Earth



bathing is a lonely business . . . . except for fish

One of the funniest movies I've ever seen and great memories of watching it and quoting lines throughout my childhood.


Hobson, will you run my bath?...... It's what i live for!


He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?



A real woman could stop you from drinking

She'd have to be a real big woman


Love it, Love it, Love it!!!!

How 'bout "Arthur, would you take my hand?" "That would leave you with one!"

When Gloria (the hooker) says to Hobson, "Hi..." and he says, "Yes. I'm sure you have a wonderful economy with words, Gloria. I look forward to your next syllable with GREAT EAGERNESS." Everybody had great lines in this movie. Everybody was funny.


"Steal something casual"


Hobson "Arthur, we really must be leaving." then to Linda "Unless of course you're planning on knocking over a fruit stand later."


[a very intoxicated Arthur is addressing the congregation of attendees for his wedding]

ummmm.... ummmm... Ladies and gentlemen... I'm Sorry... As you probably have surmised by now...there will be no wedding. The bride... has had second thoughts... and has decided not to marry me.... Most of you know me.... Can you blame her?




In department store:

Arthur: It's not a perfect crime, but it's a good crime.

Hobson: If she murdered the tie it would be a perfect crime.

In the Johnson house:

"Well, then let's call the whole thing off! Thank you!"
