MovieChat Forums > Arthur (1981) Discussion > Top 3 - HOBSON one-liners

Top 3 - HOBSON one-liners

I suppose you would like me to wash your dick for you, you little sh*t!

Dont ask my opinion, Im just the servant. On second thought, go screw yourself!

Go to the bathroom and get me some aspirin, you will find it in the top shelf to the left, next to the "untouched" shaving cream.



Steal something casual.

Good luck in prison!

If she murdered the tie it would be a perfect crime.




My favorite Hobson one-liner:

"I can see you have a marvelous economy with words, Gloria. I look forward to your next syllable with great eagerness."


If you and your undershirt would make a few steps backwards perhaps I could get in.

<How comes nobody smiles here?>
They smile at lunchtime

<Do you know what I;m going to do? I'm going to have a bath.>
I'll alert the media


"Steal yourself something casual."
"Good luck in prison."
"You have a wonderful economy with words..."


"Steal something casual" is as good as it gets lol.

"What winks, and screws like a tiger?"



"Someone would have to have to go to a bowling alley to meet a woman of her stature."


I will alert the media is my favorite line from hobson.

Frank wanted everyone at his parties, BUT everyone wanted Dean at theirs.


I agree: "I'll alert the Media" is also one of my ALL-TIME favorite lines. Gielgud's pomp and dignity raise it to the top!


"Hobson will you run my bath?" "It's what I live for."



Hobson to Arthur: "Here, read this magazine. There are many pictures."



I suppose you would like me to wash your dick for you, you little sh*t!

I was in college when this movie came out and there was something about John Gielguid saying "dick" that absolutely did myself and my friends (theatre majors all) in

It is not our abilities that make us who we is our choices


<Arthur: "Do you know the worst part, the worst part of being me?">

Hobson: "I should imagine your breath."

Also: "If I feel the urge to dribble, I can always call the nurse."

And: "This is a robe. Please put it on."

Don't you wish you were me? I know I do!
