
I never understood why pee-wee's playhouse is aired on Adult Swim why, I didnt see any mature things in it?



Do you think anyone will be watching "Squidbillies" and "The Venture Brothers" 20 years from now? No.

"Pee-wee's Playhouse" has longevity because it works on many levels whereas the rest of the stuff on "Adult Swim" only appeals to 14-year-old kids on weed who will grow out of the "Adult Swim" mentality in a year or two.

Also, you aren't even on the "Pee-wee's Playhouse" board, you're on the "Pee-wee Herman Show" board. This year is the 25th Anniversary of "The Pee-wee Herman Show", how's that for longevity?


Wow, Squidbillies and Venture bros. die out within two decades? Pee-Wees Playhouse is an extraordinary project that I have revered for years, yet your appraisal of the aforementioned programs is offensive, and wrong. Squdbillies may often be a stream-of-consciousness effort (as is 12oz. Mouse, and Perfect Hair Forever) that does not diminish ones ability to enjoy these oddball parodies. If you grew up in the 70's, like me, you loved Johnny Quest. Venture Bros. is an extension of that fantasy. Get hip to cartoon history before you get on a board and spew filth. Son!


ha so so so wrong, so wrong!
try having an open mind.


also you didn't even try answer his question....do you just look for places to be negative?


Here we are in May 2024 and last night as I was browsing around one of my streaming services I stumbled across Venture Bros and decided I'd start re-watching it soon. I stopped watching it a loooong time ago, there are several "new" seasons I had no idea existed.

I never saw a single episode of Squidbillies. I think I'd rather eat an actual piece of dog poop before watching an episode of Squidbillies.


Plenty of innuendo and adult humor....just have to be good enough to catch it.

Two examples off the top of my head:

1) In one episode, Conky breaks down. The Conky repairman (played by Jimmy Smitz) is called to come repair him. During the repair, Miss Yvonne sops by and is flirting with the repairman. He later states to always call an authorized Conky repairman because "he has the right tools" and then looks at Miss Yvonne and adds "and he knows how to use them." Miss Yvonne replies with something along the lines of "You can come over to my house. I'm sure something needs fixed, and if not, we'll break something." and they leave together.

2) In another episode, Pee-Wee and the gang are remembering fun times they had with Cowboy Curtis. They start thinking about a time when Curtis was worried about a date he had with Miss Yvonne. After the flashback, Pee-Wee asks Curtis how that date ended up going. Curtis stammers "I, uh, I, ummm...don't remember." and then winks at the camera.

I'm sure there are others, but there are very adult themes if you look close enough.


I remember one episode whee Pee Wee gave Cowboy Curtis his wish. Jambi double-checked with Pee-Wee, & told him he only gets ONE wish per day. Pee-Wee told Jambi that he WANTS to give Cowboy Curtis his wish. When they look at Cowboy Curtis' boots, & he tells Jambi his boot size, he says, "You know what they say about big boots, don't you?" To which Pee-Wee replies that he doesn't. Then Cowboy Curtis says, "Big Boots, Big Feet!"

Eight divided by one-half equals four squared!


Because people who watched Pee Wee Herman were kids back int he day are now adults, so they have it on Adult Swim. A trip down memory lane.

"You Can't Stop Me. I'm the Messenger"


This isn't the page for "Pee Wee's Playhouse," this is the Pee Wee Herman show.


Yeah I think if Adult Swim is adult oriented then why not put thw pee wee herman show instead of pee wees playhouse!


Yeah, playing a single one-off special several nights a week makes a hell of a lot more sense than playing 45 episodes of a TV series.


The Adult Swim demographic (aka the average age of people who watch that segment on CN) is 18 - 26. If you're somewhere in the middle of that (20 - 24), chances are you watched Pee Wee's Playhouse back when it aired. AS pretty much caters exactly to that demographic - there's really no other rhyme to their reason when it comes to choosing a show.


They thought they could attract all the potheads with dumb jokes and bright colors.

"Nothing is "offensive", you're just close-minded."


I'm a 35 year old Adult Swim junkie and I think Pee Wee's playhouse fits like a glove in that lineup. I hadn't seen it in years and it's still as fresh and funny now as it was I first saw it.

Who will be watching Venture Brothers 20 years from now? ME! (squidbillies does suck though)


Thanks codycarpenter6 for the most useless Subject line ever. Your grasp of Net etiquette is beyond compare.


I remember watching this show in 1981 with my family on our trip to Disneyland when I was 13. We were watching it in our hotel room late at night on HBO (the first cable show I ever remember seeing). I remember that it had some adult humor in it. I was frankly surprised my parents were allowing us to watch it, but they did.

"You're the 'Diet Pepsi' of evil......just one calorie - not evil enough."
