MovieChat Forums > Midnight Madness (1980) Discussion > Worst Movie in the History of Mankind

Worst Movie in the History of Mankind

My wife convinced me to watch it because she loved it when she was 7...mistake.

I hated everything about this movie and felt as if I was on Mystery Science Theater the whole time. There were so many things that annoyed me about this movie I can't even list them all.

I would rather scratch out my eyeballs with a dull razor blade than have to sit through this raw sewage again


If you think this is the worst movie of all time, then you haven't seen enough films.




"Worst Movie in the History of Mankind"

Yes, after decades and decades of films, with all the straight to video/DVD films out there, the films popping up on the Scifi Channel, all the films being made by Asylum...Midnight Madness is obviously the worst movie in the history of mankind- Worse than Glitch!, yes...Worse than The Brainsucker, obviously, worse than Night of Horror and Backwoods, of course. Not even Todd Sheets or Ron Bonk could sink this low

My head hurts, my teeth itch, my feet stink, and I don't love Jesus.


There is a movie called Gor-Met: Zobmie Chefs From Hell.

That movie alone makes your statement a false one.

Midnight Madness Rules!!!


Actually, the honor of "Worst Movie of All Time" goes to an equally low budget, but incredibly pretentious piece of crap called "Snowcake," starring Sigourney Weaver (2006).

I really did try to scratch my eyes at when I was forced to sit through it at the Tribeca Film Fest. Fortunately, I have glass eyes.


Go watch that recent Paris Hilton bomb and then come back and say this....


You have obviously never seen Joysticks, or Hamburger the Movie.


What about Breakin 2 Electric Boogaloo or Meatballs Part 4?

"When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading". -Henny Youngmam


Dear beelzebub-3: Yo. I've not had the pleasure of viewing HAMBURGER: THE MOTION PICTURE -- but I have seen the old Vestron Video release of JOYSTICKS.

I agree JOYSTICKS makes MIDNIGHT MADNESS look like high-class art.

Worst teen-oriented garbage I've ever seen: ODDBALLS (1984)

Do not ever watch this amateurish slop. ODDBALLS makes JOYSTICKS look competent.

That idiot drama-king poster who started this thread must have never sat through ALIEN 3 or THE ICE PIRATES along with the others mentioned above.


He needs to be forced to watch OVERSEXED RUGSUCKERS FROM MARS.




now yes, this movie is exactly what the title says....but you end up rooting for the sharks....and o yes it is BAAAAAAAAAAD.

"It's a Chicago Thing."


Damn, I bet your wife is sorry she ever shared it with you. I hate when I share movies I love with people and they end up not liking them. Anyway, I thought Midnight Madness was going to be stupid at first but it got better as it went along. Harold and his team turned out to be a riot. And I loved the scene when they were all at the diner and trying to look at the waitress' necklace and each team kept trying to outdo the other so she would come over and Harold stood up and knocked everything from the table off. I thought that part was really funny.


I tried watching this in the mid '80's I think, on cable, hated it and turned it off. A few years later a co-worker told me it was his "favorite movie". I was shocked to hear this but borrowed his videotape shortly thereafter, expecting a laugh riot, thinking I just didn't watch enough of it the first time. I forced myself to watch "Midnight Madness" all the way through, and when I say forced, I mean it. I don't believe I laughed at all, and remember just despising the whole thing and wondering how Michael J. Fox went on to find employment and success afterwards. I think this is a good example of a 'good bad movie'. I don't believe anyone with any sanity would call this a good film, but they like it because they like this type of comedy. The slob humor thing (whatever it was called), of the "Animal House" and "Caddyshack" variety. I don't even care for those two and I suppose at least "Animal House" is very well regarded as a classic among that genre. I prefer the more intellectual humor like Monty Python, late Chaplin, etc., but most any film humor is more sophisticated than the "Midnight Madness" type. So of course me and most others will not like the film. But those who laugh at this kind of juvenile silliness will and do love it. To each their own.


Nothing wrong with The Forgotten. It's not excellent, but it's not bad either.


Honestly, whoever thinks this movie is the worst movie in history...has never seen CABIN BOY. Talk about Epic Fail. That was by far the worst movie I have EVER seen.


I forgot to address the point made in the OP. As bad as "Midnight Madness" might be, there is no way it's the worst movie ever made. (I admit I wish I thought it was, because that would mean I'd not seen some really horrifyingly terrible films). Anyone see "Howling 7"? And many more that luckily aren't coming to mind at the moment. And I don't want to force the issue on myself, either.


Howard the Duck RULES you assmaster.
