MovieChat Forums > Fade to Black (1980) Discussion > Underrated gem of a movie

Underrated gem of a movie

I didn't even know this movie existed until 2002 when I was browsing through my local Movie Gallery.
I saw the movie sitting there on the shelf, and noticed it starred Dennis Christopher.
Being a fan of DC, because of the movie IT, I decided to give it a try and rented it a little later.

I liked it. I wasn't the best movie I'd ever seen, but I liked it. Dennis Christopher is good at playing a movie buff gone nuts, and I found myself feeling very sorry for his character, Eric Binford. I would have been his friend. See, if he'd just had a friend, maybe he wouldn't have gone off the deep end like he did.

I know I sound naive, but sometimes all a person needs is a friend.

Oh well....




I love this movie. It really got me into watching old movies, too. Roger Ebert liked it a lot. It's a very sad movie, though; very painful to watch. You do get the feeling that if Eric had a friend or two, things might not have turned out so bad. Dennis Christopher gives a bravura performance. The only thing I hate about the film is the dumb subplot with the cops. Ugh. Wasted time that should have been spent on Dennis Christopher or Linda Kerridge, or even more clips from old movies.


I know!

I thought the subplot with the cops was very weak.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"



Agreed. Loved this movie from the first time I saw it on HBO when I was younger.

"Can I wear the mask from Scream while I do you from behind?"



Damn, I remember seeing this as a kid in the early 80's on HBO...loved it so much and it used to freak me out. I was too young to know exactly what was going on..only remember feeling bad for the guy!
This movie was certainly ahead of its time!
Now I know where ben stiller got the idea to make cable guy.

~ "How are we gonna win our money back?"


With the internet and Netflix, this movie can be seen again. Having seen it recently, I thought DC gave a memorable performance. I think Eric Binford is just sad and pathetic. What, with an Aunt that's a totally wreck. There must've been something incestuous going on between Eric and Aunt Stella. That would make any kid go on the deep end if you allowed it. I wonder how things would've turned out if Marilyn didn't stand Eric up.

Ha ha...made you look!


It was a good film. I vaguely remember seeing the trailers on television, but I had passed on seeing it in the theater. It was pretty good, a little on the camp side, but good!

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I also enjoyed the film, i guessed what his last words were going to be half way through the film. He was only going to end up up on way.
Could of swore one on the Bullies was Sully from Commando.

"Life's just a bus stop to somewhere infinitely better"


"Could of swore one on the Bullies was Sully from Commando. "--mattysturgess

I didn't notice, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were. The more of these eighties movies I watch , the more I notice how the same actors and actresses keep cropping up all over the place in the same movies. There were definitely a consistent pool of performers used in all those movies. It's fun to spot them!

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


Just checked cast it was Peter Horton he kinda looks like him, His Mate in the film was Mickey Rourke did not spot that either.

Next on List to watch Psycho Cop

"Life's just a bus stop to somewhere infinitely better"


I caught Mickey Rourke. Must say I was quite surprised. What a humble beginning to a very impressive eighties film career. I hope his recent comeback continues for a long stretch of time and prolifically so!

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


I saw this movie when it first came out, and now have finally been able to see it again all these years later, thanks to the internet :)

I enjoy these kinds of movies. And, D. Christopher did good!

I didn't even remember Mickey Rourke being in it! Pleasant surprise :) And, I didn't know who Peter Horton was at the time, but now do, so that was fun seeing him in this.

Linda K. as Marilyn was just stunning.

They should have had someone like her play Marilyn in 'My Two Weeks With Marilyn' -- someone who *really* resembles Marilyn, and not try to have viewers suspend disbelief by having Michelle Williams try to play her. Nothing against Michelle W. -- she's a good little actress, but come on!

Anyway, I think 'Fade to Black' is a nice little campy gem from back in the day and it was fun to watch it again....

11/16/12: The day the Twinkie died :(


I just finished it for the 1st time this morning & enjoyed it as could've used a slight trim in running time, but it was definitely a unique horror film!

Rating below

Date Night: 5.5/10
Fade To Black: 6.5/10
Expendables: 4.5/10
Dark House: 5.5/10


I saw this movie when it came out in 1980 when I lived in Chicago. I enjoyed it; partly because I'm a movie geek as well (but I'm nothing like Eric!). I think I would have been his friend too...I felt sorry for him as well.

You don't sound naive to me because you're right sometimes that's all a person needs; someone they can talk to and be friends with. You sound like a compassionate person Amanda - and that's a nice quality to have.

Take care,


I know this is two years later, but thanks! :D


"You know that place between sleep and awake?...That's where I'll always love you." - Tinkerbell


You made two posts here 10 years apart. That's insane!


You can buy this at twisted anger dot net....Thanks! Gary
