MovieChat Forums > The Changeling (1980) Discussion > I dare you to name a movie that was scar...

I dare you to name a movie that was scarier

Ok...the shining was scary, so was poltergeist...but none of them add up to the changeling. I've seen a lot of "scary" movies...the scariest one is by far, the changeling. WHAT THE HELL IS SCARIER?! NOTHING!


It's the only movie that's ever actually scared me... and now 20 years after the first time I saw it (and have seen it a hundred times since), I still get creeped out by certain things.

I my opinion, the closest thing to perfection in a horror movie.


I'd say that The Changeling is right at the top of the list of scares, but within touching distance parts of An American Werewolf In London scared me...the lonely moors at night, the high-pitched whine of the werewolf, the London underground scene, the savage and gory scenes where the werewolf rips it's victims to shreads. Not as scary these days, but when I saw it as a kid it was.


You are right, this is the scariest, but here are three others that are pretty close...
The Devils Backbone
Don't Be Afraid of The Dark
Ghost Story

Kindest Regards,



This is the only movie to scare the living crap out of me. Still hasn't lost it's touch



I know your post is pretty old; when I clicked on the link to find the movie that scared the crapy our of you, it's no longer accessible. I was curious which movie really scared you...

Why wish for the moon when we can have the stars?


id like to say that session 9 scared the crap out of me


Nothing can top THE CHANGELING as the scariest film I've ever seen, but THE INNOCENT certainly thinks about being that creepy. THE INNOCENT is much scarier than Robert Wise's 1963 haunted house flick THE HAUNTING. I'd say THE CHANGELING, THE SHINING, THE INNOCENT, THE BROOD, BLACK CHRISTMAS and THE RING are some of the scariest films I've seen....and one guilty pleasure which I know is a crappy film...but still has many creepy moments is...and don't let this discredit my other recommendations, but I must say THE GRUDGE is pretty creepy for a film with no story. Also THE LADY IN WHITE is a good chiller, even though it's a bit dated now and it gets cheesey at times, but it's certainly quality stuff.


The Innocent? Who was in that? And what year was it made?

Terrible, just terrible!


yeah? i cant find any information on it! but it sounds good!


The movie is called The Innocents and it was made in 1961. It stars Deborah Kerr and Peter Wyngarde - the director is Jack Clayton. It's the classic poltergeist/house possession story. There is also the matter of some children who may or may not have become possessed themselves. This film is creepy, chilling, dark and foreboding. Will make you remember the kind's of stuff that scared you as a child. Brilliant classic film.

"Yeah, they're dead - they're all messed up" NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD



"The Devil's Backbone" comes close! But, The Changeling still is scarier!



Devils Backbone..what a great film. Still like The Changeling better but both are not to be missed.


The Ring
Damien Omen
The Legend of Hell House
Original Blob
Inner Senses


"The Changeling" is an excellent film, very scary because the strong performances make it believable.

But off the top of my head, I can name 10 films that scared me more. Not all of them are traditional horror, but all of them are terrifying:
"Requiem for a Dream"
"The Exorcist"
"Omen" I and II
"Jacob's Ladder"
"Rosemary's Baby"
"Clean Shaven"
"The Stepford Wives" (1975 original, not the horrendous remake)
"Blue Velvet"


here's my list of scary films - in no particular order

1. The Shining
2. The Exorcist
3. The Haunting
4. The Vanishing (Spoorlos)
5. Don't Look Now
6. Rosemary's Baby
7. The Changeling
8. The Wicker Man
9. The Innocents
10.The Omen
13.Rec (the last 30 mins.)
14.The Orphanage
15.Jaws be continued


Hi Bitoque,

I grew up in the eighties, where Freddi Kreuger and Mike Myers were horror staples of my generation. The list you compiled....

(Bitoqu's List of Scary Movies)
1. The Shining
2. The Exorcist
3. The Haunting
4. The Vanishing (Spoorlos)
5. Don't Look Now
6. Rosemary's Baby
7. The Changeling
8. The Wicker Man
9. The Innocents
10.The Omen
13.Rec (the last 30 mins.)
14.The Orphanage

...includes some impressive cinema. But only one of them, unfortunately, had the power to make me get up from my chair and turn on every light in the apartment. "The changling" caught me off guard because I didn't expect a ghost story. I expected a story about a widowed man, grieving the loss of his wife and daughter. By the time the movie got to the part where the guy played the recording backwards, I was already reaching for the nearest light.

I was 16 when I first watched this on Channel 7. No one was home, and I had thought that there was no other movie (on earth) that had the power to scare me (not even "The Exorcist"). This movie proved me wrong.

So, I have to disagree!


Bitoque, our tastes are similar. I don't share the love for The Omen and The Exorcist, but otherwise, heck yeah! So pleased to see Spoorloos that high on a list. You might enjoy A Tale of Two Sisters as well.

Also, Caché - though not a horror film, and also not the straightforward thriller it appears to be at first - has a great unsettling vibe to it that reminds me of Spoorloos.

I also highly recommend Jacob's Ladder.

Did you not care for The Others?


I don't come from hell. I came from the forest.


jacobs latter made me cry more than anything. it was a very sad movie.


Yes, "Jacob's Ladder" is tremendously sad. I wonder how many soldiers suffer similar fates.


Yeesh! Best ghost stories ever...EVER!!! I watched this movie since I was 11 and it's scared begesus out of me. Now I'm growing up and still the same...heh-heh-heh! Unlike other horror movies I don't like such as slasher movies or so called teen horror movies is not my taste. The Changeling is a non-blood n'gore fest, only eerie sounds. Just sounds. Chilling soundtrack. Finest characters. Plot thickens. And more freaked us out moments. I do love only-this-one ghost stories of our time. The Shining, The Others, The Sixth Sense and The Haunting (original) are include my list. The Changeling is great scary movie and it's also a message for everyone movie lovers who want to be alone on a living watching the same movie is now on DVD and if you want a brief intermission or a break but somethings banging above....DON'T GO TO THE FREAKING ATTIC ALONE!!!!^_^


I'm a ghost hunter, so I've actually heard REAL ghosts caught on tape :)

But, I honestly didn't think this movie was all that scary. I thought it was a great story. There were parts when I laughed out loud though...the "wheelchair scene", the "it's a hand!" line... very cheesy!

I think the best scary movies for me are The exorcist, followed by the ring and the shining (although the book is a million times better!). There are very few movies which actually scare me... besides these movies, I only get scared by zombie movies. Call it a phobia. Zombies = creepy. I actually got more freaked out from the nurses in Silent Hill than anything else... (not that it was a good movie, but they still creeped me out).


So you're saying you wouldn't be scared if an old wooden wheelchair controlled by a ghost starting chasing you down the stairs or rolling around the house by itself? Riiiiiight. It's only cheesy to you because you never actually thought about what it would be like. As a ghost hunter, you should know this kind of thing is not that unbelievable. By the way, have you ever heard of Bobby Mackey's music world in northern KY, which they call "Hell's Gate?" It is said to be one of the most evil places on earth, filled with demons and other spirits. If you believe in the documented cases such as those there, and have read the book by the same name mentioned above, which tells of mechanical bulls moving by themselves (unplugged), possessions, and demons that try to turn ladders over on pregnant women, a moving wheelchair doesn't seem to far-fetched at all. I understand what you mean, but come on, put yourself in the same position. Well, it is scary to me at least. I have yet to see a movie that was scarier or had a scarier prop. I guess we're a bit different because zombie movies are probably the only movies that DON'T scare me. Maybe it's because I believe in ghosts, but not zombies, so that takes away my sense of fear.
And whoever said Deliverance was scary, you gotta be kidding me... maybe it brings back prison memories or something for you??


My Scary movie list, I havent seen all this i missed the begining so I may not be able ot fulyl judge but.

The omen was pretty scarey, so ringu. But what scared me the most, mind you I saw it when i was like 9 was jaws lol.


U gotta be kidding me.I think the scariest movie is The Exorcist k? The Changeling isnt that bad.

10-The Exorcist
9-Amityville II: The Possession
8-The Changeling
7-The Amityville Horror (original)
6-Dawn of the Dead Remake
5-The Omen
4-The Omen Remake
3-Pet Semetary
1-The Grudge


*Oh, yes, there will be blood.*


take off the omen remake and you've got a great list. and saw sucks.


Wait, is that the C&W bar near Wilder? I think I've been there (I live in Erlanger). Didn't see any spirits, but a few friends did get thrown off the mechanical bull...

"You may run like Hayes, but you hit for sh it", Lou Brown


I know you wrote this post a very long time ago, but I wanted to ask if you were still a ghost hunter? I was a ghost hunter for years back in the early to late 90s, and we used to work mostly throughout Illinois, but have since moved on to other things for various reasons. I still freak out when I think about some of the things I saw and experienced and felt at those times.

We seem to have similar taste in some ways, along with the ghost hunting: I too laughed at the very same two scenes that you did (wheelchair; that thing was crazy - how Claire was okay after falling down those stairs and John after flying over the banister is beyond me! Plus that scene where he says "It's a hand!" had me in stitches. I thought it was just me! It reminded me of that scene in Nightmare on Elm Street 3 where Nancy says, "It's a door" when a door appears. DUH!). On top of that, I agree on Exorcist and The Ring! I still kind of get creeped out by Samara coming through the tv!

I am obsessed with zombies. Night of the Living Dead still is one of the scariest movies ever, and I love that movie, along with Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, and all of the Romero Dead films (and I really like the Dawn remake actually), plus I am addicted to Walking Dead on AMC. I will tell you, when I was about 4, I saw Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things on tv and I was scared out of my mind. I still to this dead, as campy as it is, get a little creeped out in some scenes and love that movie to bits! Have you ever seen it?


One thing to remember is different things scare different people. As for me, the first time I watched The Changeling, I had never heard of it or had any idea what to expect. The scene with the rubber ball coming down the stairs to me is one of the scariest movie scenes ever filmed. Even after seeing the movie over 20 times, that scene still gives me the creeps. And I personally would call this film the scariest one I have ever seen.

But we should all remember that almost every horror film ever made has at least one scene that will always stand out in any particular persons' memory. It is usually because of that one scene that a person names whatever film it is from as the scariest they have ever seen.

I am glad to see that many agree about The Changeling, but I also fully understand why others find so many of the fantastic films named here as their scariest.

One type of film that I find actually funny rather than scary is the Friday the 13th series or later Halloweens and the Nightmare movies, but I believe the character of Freddy was meant to be funny. But to believe that someone like Jason or Michael Myers just cannot be killed after he is shot, stabbed, chopped up, electrocuted, burned up or whatever else they can find to kill him with, is just hysterical. Why films like that would scare people is beyond me. They are simply slasher films. Now the original Halloween is of course a different story. They didn't need blood and guts to make it scary. And that holds true of The Changeling as well. Special effects do not make a film terrifying, they just make it gory.

And from the trivia section for The Changeling comes this little tidbit:
"The movie is based on events which supposedly took place at a house in Denver, Colorado, in the 1960s. The "Chessman Park" neighborhood in the movie is a reference to Cheesman Park in Denver, where the original haunting transpired."
