MovieChat Forums > Nine to Five (1980) Discussion > Who else didn't buy Dolly Parton in thi...

Who else didn't buy Dolly Parton in this film?

sure, she got laughs and was flashy, but I thought her acting was forced and telegraphed.


Really? I quite liked her - She was sexy but innocent as well. The only thing I thought was implausible were her long nails, but they showed her typing with them so there you go...

On the DVD, she indicates she was very nervous as it was her first 'acting' gig and she memorized the whole script (i.e. everyone's parts). Cute.

‘Six inches is perfectly adequate; more is vulgar!' (Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Re: An open window).


She was trying too hard.


Why does an elephant have 4 feet?

Because 6 inches isn't enough.

Six inches is perfectly adequate; more is vulgar!' (Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Re: An open window).

If a person with multiple personality s threatens to commit suicide, is that a hostage situation


I must STRONGLY disagree with you on this. To me, she was P double PERFECTO!!! She played that role VERY well!! Quite a NATURAL, yes indeed!!!



I concur, and I noticed it right away. Her acting was bad. I mean, it was forced, unnatural, and awkward. Anyone who disagrees, I submit to you to watch her facial expressions and listen to her tone, especially as the movie progresses. I don't care how big a fan you may be, if you pay attention, you'll notice this.

This isn't a knock against her as an individual, btw, so no one needs to come back with an angry, reactionary, defensive response. I'm simply saying that this particular performance was weak. Whether it's due to a lack of talent, or the fact that this was her first acting gig, is not something I profess to know. Was she any better later in her career? I don't know, as this is the only moview of hers I have seen.

Gaming, Atheism, Science, Philosophy, Rants:


You and I are the only ones who think so.
She was talking AT the other actors, not TO them.


Have you ever seen Dolly Parton in a TV interview? She speaks the same way in real life as she did in this film. Dolly was pretty much being Dolly but answering to Doralee.



- SilverCreedWolf,
Well,that's not quite what meant. There is such a thing as actors who basically play themselves,but how they do it.

What I am referring to was her technique; "announcing"(overactng) her lines,which is common with new actors. Maybe she has gotten better, I don't know. In other words,being it instead of "acting" it.

Of course, nobody is consistent; I am sure if I rewatched the film, there would be moments where she did fine.
I am not saying this for the sake of bashing her,but based purely on an objective level. Thanks for your response.


.......she got laughs and was flashy, but I thought her acting was forced and telegraphed.

I enjoy Parton's presence in this film; but you are correct about her acting. She was all on one level and acting like she was doing skits from her 'DOLLY', tv show. She has a strong personality and tended to throw it around at the other actors, rather than tap into a gentler and inherent acting quality. I think she was just allowed to be herself, rather than have the director, Colin Higgins, guide her.

I didn't really buy into Fonda's Judy character either. She was playing a put upon and naive woman, who was learning to empower herself, (total opposite, to the experiences of an outspoken Fonda, in real life) and as in her usual interminable way, came over as a bit forced and phoney.

Lily Tomlin is a different story. I had never heard of her before seeing this film in early 81' and she 'surprisingly' left me with the biggest impression. She was terrific as Violet. Her timing and line delivery was spot on. She was also more real and believable, in her smaller moments, than both Fonda or Parton. The way she reacts to things, appears natural and spontaneous and the little things she does, like brush her teenage son's fringe back into place when she was having a discussion with him in their garage, made her character appear more genuine.


That speech of Dolly's about turning the boss from a rooster to a hen was almost cringeworthy. She was better with her more subtle scenes.
Fonda is a mystery; she was playing against type, but still doing it on a sitcom level. I didn't feel Fonda portrayed a person who had something at stake strongly enough. (a reviewer also cited her acting in Agnes of God as a too superficial performance)


I didn't feel Fonda portrayed a person who had something at stake strongly enough. (a reviewer also cited her acting in Agnes of God as a too superficial performance)

Fonda's lack of naturalness, cost her psychiatrist character some credibility in AGNES OF GOD-85'. Her phoniness rang in loud and clear. She couldn't even smoke her fake cigarettes with poise. Both her and Bancroft, were cast to light up the marquee and neither of them were that great....IMHO. I know you find Meg Tilly bland; but she was the best thing about AGNES, was perfectly cast and gave a beautiful little performance.


Yet, the leads in the Broadway play won at least one Tony, or nominated. I've a feeling it was Elizabeth Ashely, who Fonda has replaced at least 2x in the film version of a play. Just cast the better actress, Ashley.



The role of Mother Superior was originated on Broadway by Geraldine Page. Page was passed over for the film version, in favor of Anne Bancroft. Bancroft was nominated for an Academy Award, but lost, ironically, to Page.

The all mighty dollar is the deciding factor. Bancroft DID NOT deserve her nomination; but Page did for 'Trip To Bountiful'. Her win was deserving; but as yet, I am undecided if it was AS deserving, as a couple of her fellow nominees.


I recall Siskel & Ebert's Oscar preview that year and saying Bancroft was the nom they didn't get. Did Ashley play Fonda's part on stage? Or Lee Remick?



The roles given to Jane Fonda, Anne Bancroft and Meg Tilly were portrayed on Broadway by Elizabeth Ashley, Geraldine Page and Amanda Plummer.


The movie is so lightweight I didn't pay much attention. For me she didn't seem to fit as someone from Texas, with a husband from Texas, living in Manhattan. What were they doing there? She can get a secretarial job anywhere, so what did he do for a living? Rodeo cowboy in Manhattan? Seems to me like she was cast because she was hot at the time, not that she was the best one for the part. Like throwing Teen Wolf together to jump on the Michael J. Fox post "Back to the Future" hype.


I'm not so sure they were from Texas, but they sure weren't in New York. They were in LA. First off, you can tell by the blue street signs, which they have in LA, and we don't have here in NY. Second, if you'll recall, they were waiting for the invoices for all of Hart's stuff he was supposed to have in that warehouse - from NY.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


I Personally... ....give a dozen Kudos to Ms. Parton for her genuine efforts. This being her first blockbuster film and co-starring role. Her entrance was a tad forced, but her performance improved during, and she did pretty darned well.

I thought she handled Doralee's confrontation with Hart, over the sex scandal, very well.



I think all three were basically playing "cartoon" characters and it's exactly what this type of movie called for. These days you would never get this great a cast for a simple (yet very well-done) story like this. I watch this once a year or so, with and without the commentary and it's just as good as when I saw it in 1980 at the movies. Cost of a ticket then? $1.75!

"I will not go down in history as the greatest mass-murderer since Adolf Hitler!" - Merkin Muffley


Are you kidding? I'm not sure what you're even trying say, other than her acting was bad. Yeah I totally disagree - she nailed it! And got laughs and was flashy. Your question should be "What CAN'T Dolly do?"


Eh, I'll disagree completely. I was watching this yesterday with pretty much this thought in mind - could she hold her own against the pros? I think she certainly did. And if she doesn't want to hold her own, I'd be happy to hold them for her.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.
