Starbuck marooned?!

I watched the episode "The Return of Starbuck" the other day and dawned on me that he's not marooned! What about the ship the other 3 Cylons came in? Starbuck had experience flying it when He and Apollo "waggled their wings." So, he shouldn't have been stranded.

Thread_Killer_of_IMDb is out there. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until your post is dead.



If you recall from the last episode of Battlestar Galactica, when Apollo and Starbuck are hatching a plan to use Baltar's Cylon Raider to gain access to a Cylon Base ship, it is mentioned that it takes 2 cylons to pilot the ship, and the third Cylon just gives orders. I suppose if he could reactivate one of the other Cylons like he did with Cy, they could then fly the Raider. Not sure where they would go, though, as I'm sure the Colonial fleet would be that much further out of range by the time they are ready to go. Not to mention that there is probably a Cylon base ship between them and the fleet.

Also, the remaining Raider may not have much fuel left. :)

Now if that bastard so much as twitches, I'm gonna blow him right to Mars.


And that seems to be the only decent episode of the series. Shame that they coudn't have had more episodes like this in the show.



I watched this episode last weekend, the second time I've ever seen it. As cheesy as it was at times, it was a really wonderful episode and it amazes me to think how different it was to the rest of the 1980 series, and was also the final episode.
