MovieChat Forums > Van Nuys Blvd. (1979) Discussion > Just got done watching this and I must s...

Just got done watching this and I must say

I really enjoyed it.. Of course I also really enjoy alot of movies that I think are great timepieces to the 70s or 60s or whatever decade. Seeing all these cars and outfits and style really helped me enjoy the movie.

On my personal scale of Movie entertainment I rate this a 7 out of 10

1 = shut off mid movie and only speak of it in hushed whispers to friends looking for the worst form of entertainment

5 = average but still a good watch ...usually with friends

10 = The top form of entertainment value to me. I might watch this twice in a day... extremely rare

so a 7 for me was entertaining and will show to friends. Might watch again in a week if a friend wants to see it and will still enjoy it.

I dont do the normal top ten scale. I go by entertainment value... not age or looks or budget or other things people might judge a movie on. I do value script and plot but I can let those slide if i'm entertained enough.

Works great for me


They know nothing about cars, guy tells carhop his Early Ford has a Turbo 425, I want to know how he put a GM, chain drive, front wheel drive, transmission in there, since the engine is up front.

Wasn't me

