MovieChat Forums > Stalker (1980) Discussion > Are you under 30 and Like Star Wars ? DO...

Are you under 30 and Like Star Wars ? DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM !


Is that sci fi ?

I mean don't get me wrong it had the most amazing cinematography but it's all about that and general ideas about human philosophy and conception ,
it is so boring as watching paint dry.

What a waste of two and a half hours of my life !

ps: i am a major sci fi geek but this film was an absolute waste of time !

It has nothing scifi in it just the main idea , the director uses abandoned buildings and tries to make it work and he succeeds on some point but not at that point that would be adequate for you and that little device that measures boredom !

if you are under 30 and think that Star Wars is the finest piece of sci fi ever made DO NOT ! i repeat DO NOT watch this film !


Star wars isnt sci-fi its fantasy. Sci-fi is more like the matrix, tarkovsky films , blade runner and 2001.


Star Wars is more space opera than sci-fi

Its a Samurai/Western film in space


I'm under 30 (20 years and counting) and I enjoy Star Wars (I wouldn't say it is the finest piece of science fiction ever made though) and I loved this film - I won't be the only one either. It's an unfair comparison to make between Star Wars and Stalker - Stalker does not rely on effects but atmosphere and concentration. You should really be with another mindset, expecting a film of cerebral quality before watching Stalker as it is abstract and not for casual viewing. Maybe try re-watching it sometime? Other than that, you're entitled to your own opinion, just maybe don't assume Star Wars fans won't enjoy it. :]


OP, I think you need to revise your subject to read:

Are you under 30 and Like Star Wars Ep 1: TPM especially Jar Jar Binks? DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM !

.... otherwise you're right on!!!

Luckily I am negative on both counts so I thoroughly enjoyed this movie!!!


I am under 30 . . . dislike Star Wars and think it is vastly overrated, however if I had to pick a favourite SW film it would be TPM . . .I love Jar Jar and meesa finks da Stalker is GREAT!

Click On My Clicky Click!


"Blasting Star Wars simply because it´s (almost) universally admired and successful".

Resorting to deliberate misrepresentation of the opponent´s position, aye? A tiny little fallacy right there, right off the bat. Not to mention it makes no sense as Stalker & Tarkovsky´s work in general tend to be equally admired & successful, so it´s not like Lucas´s cash cow is about to monopolize the sunshine overhead. But of course it couldn´t be that SW deserves derision because it´s simply a poor film that falls way short of any greatness on pretty much every conceivable level - it´s simplistic, dumbed down, schmaltzy, features a thin story as well as barely acceptable acting and exposition-infested dialogue that appears to have been written so that even bloody kindergarteners could be brought up to speed without asking mommy. Even production design is unremarkable (see Lynch´s otherwise largely, and infamously, failed Dune if in need to see truly inspired art design). Ultimately, SW should be more adequately called merchandise or a toy commercial than a movie as everything about it seems determined by commercial calculation rather than any artistic impulse. It´s a cynical work of dead artifice, shiny crap sold to unassuming kids who, probably as a direct result, never grew up and have now landed here, or are writing reviews, obscenely demanding legitimization of their infantile yet nostalgy-shrouded object of affection.

"Countless film groups, accolade organizations blah-blah-blah... laud Star Wars".

Congratulations, your quest has stumbled into yet another fallacious argument.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan



"Deluded yourself in thinking you made some kind of point".

I did make a point - namely, that you´re incapable of making any kind of argument besides insisting that it´s great because the critics say so. This is not how it works, however.

"Must really upset you all corners".

Sorry to disappoint, but unlike you, I don´t really put that much stock in what other people say. Although it is kind of annoying that this dull, pompous, both intellectually as well as aesthetically stunted little film gets all the glory while there are plenty of other old sci-fi movies which, while not always necessarily much more "deep", are considerably more entertaining and do not reek of commercial calculation and deliberate audience pandering the way SW does (such as The Day The Earth Stood Still, Them!, Forbidden Planet, Not Of This World, to name a few).

"Oh what insecurities you must be harboring to feel the need to attack another film".

Are you for f-cking real? This is what critics DO and these boards are for - to discuss film. And at least I AM talking about movies, not running my mouth about other posters and second guessing their motivations, which seems to be your specialty. But, of course, I can do that, too - as a matter of fact, I think you´re rather projecting here and the crux of the matter is that YOU are feeling insecure about your ability to defend SW in any meaningful terms.

"Girly purty about your film".

Far as I recall, I have never directed a film. Must be one of those delusions, again.

"Where I´m from, that´s called control freak".

Must be a pretty f-cked up place, wherever it might be.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan



Since this entire message consists solely of irrelevant gibberish, idiotic reasoning, personal insults and ridiculously self aggrandazing rhetoric, there really isn´t anything to respond to. Just the bit about "belittling" SW fans catches the eye... well, to that I must say you´re doing such a great job yourself at discrediting that movies´ fan base with your shrill, inarticulate hysteria that there´s no need for me to say anything at all. Seems that what you´ve been trying to prove here, is that one indeed has to be sort of emotionally retarded in order to buy the SW hype, be a SW fanboi - and at that you´ve done a great job.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan



She looked like a tomato struggling for self expression

Did you come straight from the Marcel Proust school of literary simplicity?

Star Wars is a great film in much the same way that 'The BFG' and 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' are great books - they inspire and stretch a child's imagination. When I was a kid I built a Millennium Falcon out of Lego, my dad bought me a telescope and I was introduced to the Milky-way.

Now I have kids of my own I can see their own eyes light up at the magic of the film. Endless (often to the point of being annoying) questions about all kinds of things as they grow and learn. Star Wars is a starting point for all that. It's also a starting point for a love of science fiction.

So for all the vacuous adjectives you throw at it (shmaltzy, thin, exposition infested, unremarkable, barely acceptable, dumbed down, simplistic) it remains well loved for good reason. It captured the imagination of a generation.

In the interests of arrogance and a deluded sense of superiority I shall now type /end of story.



I really can't be arsed getting knee deep in the flamewar between yourself and SFMZone. Although I do agree with his opinion he's being a bit of a wanker to be fair so i'll stay out. To keep it short, you can't argue that Star Wars was calculated as a purely commercial vehicle for Lucas; we're talking about the original trilogy and the first film was largely predicted to fail. The fact that it spawned one the greatest and most enduring science fiction universe is testament to it's quality.

If you do not, or cannnot, enjoy and appreciate the simplistic but pure joy that the original trilogy offers, then I feel sorry for you. Spark a spliff and let THAT title sequence roll with THAT William's masterpiece blasting from the TV and tell me you've not reached Nirvana premature.

On the battlefield, no one has a name



You never called me a jerk, you were never arguing with me in the first place. You were being a wanker in your responses to franzkabuki.

On the battlefield, no one has a name



Chill out man, you'll live longer!

On the battlefield, no one has a name



That's a completely stupid post. I didn't particularly enjoy the movie because I thought it lacked in depth at times and was more of a short spread over a feature length but your assumptions are ridiculous.

People enjoy movies for different reasons. I like Star Wars and I'm a geek too but I don't think that means we're going to have the same opinion on everything.

And yes, this is scifi. "Scifi" is not just movies with robots, aliens or happening on other planets. The essence of scifi is fantasy featuring fictional science or scientific principles. This is exactly what this movie is and the best scifi is the one that uses such devices to examine or reveal human nature.
This movie is as much scifi as Cube is, for the same reasons. The presence of special effects has nothing to do with it.

The Twilight Zone is one of the best (and most successful) scifi series ever made and most episodes didn't feature anything that would fall under "scifi" for people with limited imaginations like you.

I wish it wasn't a generational flaw but sadly, I find that an alarming number of people under 30 are increasingly lacking an imagination. I don't know if it's because they don't read anymore or because they are spoon fed everything so they never get to imagine anything but it's scary really.

You give geeks a bad name.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


are you twelve?


When I first saw this, I was 16 and liked Star Wars. I certainly didn't think Star Wars was the finest piece of sci-fi, but it was a significant portion of my childhood.

Turns out Stalker is my favorite film, or is very close. You can't just waltz into it expecting sci-fi, though.


What if you're 13, hate Star Wars and adore Tarkovsky?
