A snob magnet

Not that all how enjoyed it are snobs, but plenty of those who did are. Believing themselves to have a refined taste in movies, and looks down upon all those with a different taste.

I saw it, and it takes itself way too seriously. The supposedly deep talk, which I have now forgotten, made zero impression and was really all it was all about. What happened when they came to the famous room? Nothing. Kung Fu Panda used the same concept and succeeded better.

The scenes and filming were great, and it could have been made as an abstract movie with no plot, just beautiful scenery. It would have improved it a lot.


Oh. Nice point. lol.


Unlike some other film buffs, it doesn't bother me at all if somebody doesn't like a particular movie I love. The way I see it, if you walk into a theater with an open mind that's pretty much anybody can ask. No movie is going to be right for everybody, and some (like Stalker) will never appeal to more than a fraction of the movie-going public.


Cate Blanchett loves this film - surely you can not suggest that Blanchett is a pretentious snob!?





Maybe you're right. But I can imagine that people who are into philosophy might genuinely like Stalker. I downright hate philosophy, so for me the film was basically 2 1/2 hours of the most boring conversations ever interspersed with some beautiful imagery (especially the black and white parts) and an underlying sense of mystery, which I was hoping would unfold in some way (I actually made it through the whole thing), but...nothing ever happened, they just kept talking.
I was equally bored by Solaris, so I guess I'm done with Comrade Tarkovski.


So you didn't like it and want to feel better about not liking it. Cool.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Well put. I didn't care for it either and I got the distinct impression Tarkovsky didn't care if anyone watched his movies. So, f him, I won't.

And the whole angle of "this movie wasn't for people like you" is such a cop out. I mean, what if every artist did that? "If you don't like my art, you're a moron." Brilliant defense. You can't lose. I don't mind the movie's attempt at whatever it was going for, but the vociferous defense its fans put forth is surely obnoxious.

I don't flip out when people tell me they don't like Dr. Stangelove. It takes all kinds.


There's a reason so many people call Tarkovsky the greatest, including Ingmar Bergman. That wouldn't happen if his films were just interesting to look at and nothing but pretentious blabber. You have to ask yourself if there might be something that you're missing. I myself have tried with some of Tarkovsky's movies but they go over my head. So I don't get them either, but I know it's because I'm far from an intellectual, and I know you have to really pay attention and be in the mood for an enlightening experience when you watch them. But I still trust that most serious film buffs and critics know what they're talking about
